I was looking for an add-on or method to unwrap multiple objects on the same UV map without joining them (as this makes you lose some object data like modifiers and origins, etc.). Texture Atlas looked promising but unfortunately doesn’t seem to be maintained anymore and using “pack islands” with manual unwrapping will cause some islands to overlap, as shown in the picture below.
Does anyone know an alternative? Either an add-on, or maybe another software? What would allow me to manipulate the UVs of multiple objects on the same map without joining them? I know you can “show other select object UVs” but that doesn’t allow you to use operations like “average island scale” and “pack islands” and also will not allow you to see actual area stretching relative to other meshes.
Having to apply mods, join meshes, change seems/topology, unwrap, separate into individual object and export is what one has to do EACH TIME there’s a small change that has to be done to the geometry, if you’re using an external app for painting or baking for instance. This is extremely inefficient. How do you guys deal with that?