Textured Draw Mode doesn't show the image I expected

I am working with a simple set of planes, using alpha mapped images to create a “cardboard cut outs” type of animation.
At first I couldn’t get anything to show when I selected Textured Draw Mode. Then I assigned a UV mapping. Now I see whatever image I loaded in the UV/Image editor as the texture, and not the texture that I have assigned to the plane.
Of course, rendering works correctly.
While searching on this, I may have seen the question answered, but I couldn’t quite understand the answer.

  1. Is there a simple explanation for this? (Preferably one that ends with me being able to see the texture that I have assigned to the mesh.)
  2. What’s the requisite knowldege for minimal competance in this area? I know what textures, UV mapping, etc. are, but making Blender use them the way that I expected is making my head spin.

Use the same image as your texture for your uv map.

Thanks, but I’m trying to get the texture image to change also.