TextureMaker | cheap + powerful = awesome :D

http://www.texturemaker.com (formerly known as Infinity Textures)
It took me all of about 5 minutes of messing with the trial version to discover that I had to have this. My favorite features:

LSampler texture resynthesiser. Take a small texture, make a larger version of it, but without tiling or resizing. This is the number one reason I bought Texture Maker. Yields some amazing results when combined with the Advanced Multi-Layer Texture Mixer.

Advanced Multi-Layer Texture Mixer: This simply has to be seen in action to be fully appreciated, but to summarise, it allows one to combine several images into one, given a grayscale ‘mixing map’. A well-suited companion for the LSampler.

Textractor: allows for grabbing of floors, walls, etc from existing images, then applying perspective correction to square them back up.

Warning: it’s like crack cocaine for the texture artist. There are a few fellow Blenderheads in the forum (which is a bit slow, due to the odd fact that not many people seem to have heard of Texture Maker).

Quite cool

Yeah I took a brief look at it and it looked cool but I havent really messed with it extensivly…maybe tomorrow :slight_smile:


That looks totally radical, I must have one. Any problems with the install or anything? One of those animated textures looked alot like light bouncing off water. :smiley:

Here’s a sample of what this thing can do. worth getting excited over IMO==>


Keep in mind that while this one is black and white, it is not limited to black and white.

BTW, that sample video was crippled when I downloaded it. If you want to use one of the samples as a texture instead of just viewing it, you will have to run it through VirtualDub first. I think they have some premades available for use though, as free downloads. Nifty stuff!

OK, I downloaded the texture maker.

Of note: It is not disabled. It is a 30 day trial, so even if you decide you don’t need it, you can make alot of textures in 30 days.

Also of note, from the read me file:

Many ATI drivers, especially for Win9x, have serious driver bugs that cause Texture Maker
to crash on startup and freeze the entire system. This “effect” was observed on
systems with Rage Fury, All-In-Wonder and Radeon cards. If you encounter problems
please update your drivers.

I have an Asus so I guess I’m good. will report back later.
Oh, and don’t download my gif and try to load it into Blender. Blender will gag on it. If you want that texture in avi I’ll put it up, so just ask.


Ok one disabling feature,…it prints the word ‘demo’ in the frames. grr. ah well, I think I may just buy it.


When I went to save, it told me that it wouldn’t do more than 255 pixels w the trial,…so,…I resized by a pixel, and the annoying text went away! :smiley:

I’ll put up some of the nifty textures I intend to make at some point so people can try them out.

Ok I looked at the site a couple of weeks ago and downloaded it. The samples that I saw were so good that I am going to buy it. But do not have the $69 right now so I am going to hold off installing it becasue I know from your comments that if I use it for 30 days and then did not have the money to keep it working I would be P.O.ED!!!