here is the ultimate texture source
i dont know howi forgot about it.It has genetica.If you wanna know what that it just check out the site.
for textures just click on ‘Texture Packs’
You know you can easily make any image seamless by simply going to Filters -> Map -> Make Seamless in GIMP. You can achieve great results with grass, stone, and metal using this method.
The advatage of is that they have just so many textures, and they’re all free.
Nicolas: with your normals, try either using a spec map (which could just be a desaturated version of your diff map), or lowering your spec and hardness (almost to 0) to get a nice smooth feeling.
Sanguine: The problem with that filter is that it’s VERY destructive to most of the details in your image because you really have no control at all over the result.