Ok I am new to blenderartists so I wasn’t sure whether I should put this thread in textures and lighting or this, so I decided this.
Anyways, this is probably a very simple thing that I don’t know but I’ll ask it.
The problem I am having is that whenever I would add a texture(image) to a plane, and then press P key to play the game, the image would stretch out and make 4 separate images on it. I tried to mess around with the texture buttons like clip and repeat but nothing happens. Can someone please help me with this problem?
select your object and press tab to go into edit mode. once the vertexes are yellow (its all selected) press “u” and click unwrap.
now in the game engine you can do this one of 2 ways.
- multitexture(default) - split your view and open the uv image editor and with your object selected in edit mode open an image in the image editor, in 3d view click textured and bang
- GLSL - go to your buttons window and click on shading then textures and ad a new one. make it an image and open your picture. then under material buttons then mapping and click uv.