Textures missing Pink mesh?

I sent a blender file to a friend made the file to zip and sent it through email the mesh was rigged and was textured when he opens it the mesh and armature are fine but the whole mesh is pink I’m pretty sure it has to do something with the texture missing anyway he can fix this?

are they .psd files? if so, try changing them to .pngs
Did you pack all of your textures before sending him the file? If not, he’ll have to relink all the files manual

thanks for responding yes they are png files not sure about packing them well I did send the textures along with the blender file in the same zip folder don’t know if that’s the proper way to do it.

File>External_Data>Pack all into .blend

then send it to him again - should just be able to send the packed .blend

if your mesh is pink it’s because the file path has changed or the image no longer exists

thank you I always forget to do that for some reason.