textures must be on desk top to work

I know how to put uvs in cycles on my characters, but when I move my textures or delete them from my desk top, the characters do not have the uvs that I put, what do I have to do to pin those uvs down?

You either need to link to the new location, or “Pack” the texture into the .blend File.

Is this done in cycles render or blender render, I do not believe I saw a pack selection in cycles render, unless I need glasses.

Hmm, I’m still a little new to cycles. But it looks like you might be right, I don’t see an Icon in the Composite/Node editor to pack textures, and cycles doesn’t have a “textures” panel in the properties window.

Good news is that you can still pack images via the Image Editor window.


So yes, you can do it in cycles as well.