Textures=screwed up meshes

I made a landscape for a game I was toying with. I applied a grass texture, and tested. But I noticed, in some places when I flew around, the mesh would bend randomly. I know it was the fault of the texture, or maybe the shape of the polygons, because I would edit certain vertices and then it would act normal. But when I did that another spot next to it would start bending. I am sure you are familiar with this, as am I, but it’s bugging me so much I would kill for a solution.

I’m guessing that you’re encountering the mesh-triangulation problem. Select the mesh in edit mode and press Ctrl+T (I think) to convert your quads to tris. That should solve the problem. (Note that this is only an issue on some gfx cards. I’m guessing you have Intel integrated graphics?)

Yeah I’m on Intel.
Edit: Thanks! This will help me a lot in the future!