Textures show up black in render view but they are there in texture view?

Hey guys im really new in blender.

Im currently busy with a Halo animation, and i have a grunt character linked to my animation scene, in the texture view the mask and body armor is there, but in render view it shows up as black. It should be shiny blue like his shoulder pads which do show up correctly in render view.
The original file where its linked from doesnt have this problem, there it shows up correctly in render view.

any idea where i should start looking to fix this?

The render engine is cycles.

First double check that there isn’t a second mesh in the same place causing it to negate the render ability. Could be z-fighting. Do the same check you’ve done here but put the object in isolate mode with the / key so that you can check in both texture paint and object modes.


Hey guys update, here i have isolated a part of the wall and the mask so we can see the mask compared to the wall in the background, and indeed the mask still comes out black.

I have tried to link, and append both a fresh model of this character, but both tries comes in with the armor pieces black as before

The armor pieces do show up normally when switching to eevee render engine.

Stupid question, but have you checked normals are correct outward? You’ve eliminated the possibility of duplicate mesh in the object, yes?

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Yes and yes, i checked the normals and it all seems correct facing outwards, and the duplicate mesh i also checked, by isolating only the mask and rendering that and it still show up black.

The original file does not have this issue, when i link the model to my animation file that has the same render engine selected (cycles) it all of a sudden decides to be black apart from the small lights emissions

The material preview mode uses Eevee. In the material editor, is the material that fails to show set to output only to Eevee? You will find that option on the material output node.


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Hey just double checked, and that option is set to All

I can post the blender file if you guys want, but the characters are all linked, is there a way to import hem into the file so you wont lose the links to the characters?

Hey guys, you can download the file here:

i have stripped out unimportant stuff and just left the grunt and the environment in there so the file is smaller

That character has the biggest shading node group I have ever seen. It’s beyond my ability to understand or judge what it does, but there is likely something in there that is either broken or not compatible. Does your project actually need this complex shader? The rest of your objects seem to use principled shaders, so couldn’t the character use one too?

It probably could i would have te reverse engineer that shader then, i left it as is since the characrer model was downloaded. Im guessing i may have to make a new shader for those then

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Blender won’t let me override the material or do anything with it, so I can’t really test any of this for you.

The material seems to be a complex procedural setup. But, I see it has those bake outputs. If you connect them into the material output, do you get a proper looking texture that can be baked to an image?

I tried that, still shows up black, i havent had the time to redo it from scratch yet, im going to test out some few settings first before i do that though, will keep you guys updated

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To change the materials etc, you need to go to Object>Relations>MakeLocal>All
That way it imports the materials aswel and you should be able to adjust everything

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Here is the original Grunt document where everything is intact which im linking to the animation project

In the original file, everything works just fine. Are you sure all the textures linked properly? In the linked version, if I plug the textures into the material output, I get the pink color indicating that a texture is missing (though that could also be a problem caused by the packing of resources).

Anyway, if you don’t manage to make it work, you could go into the original file and bake the material to basic maps. You would only need color, roughness, metallic, emissive and normal (AO is already present in the color and spec is not part of a modern workflow).

The weird thing is, if i just go into my textures folder, and grab the “colour” texture, even then it shows up black in my animation file, which is weird, im still messing around, if i find anything ill post it here

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