@marietto The materials view option will show the material you have selected in the node editor. So even if you have the material selected you want in the materials it may still show up with a strange color depending on which node you currently have selected in the node group for that material.
in your first picture you are in object mode / texture mode / and you have selected the human_mblab_skin_disp but in my picture im on object mode / material mode and I have selected the mblab_human_skin. and the color of texture in my picture is darker than in your…
Once I get back on my laptop I will show it in material mode as well. And I did nothing to the file, just downloaded and opened it up. Other than switching through the viewport render options I did nothing. It was also already showing color when I opened the file. I had to go to the node editor to switch it over to make it gray in the viewport.
It’s happened again. This time I can give more details. The textures became translucent dark gray after that I have separated the eyelash from the rest of the body. And I’m not selecting any material on the node editor…
when I click on “human_mblab_skin_diffuse” or on “human_mblab_skin_disp” node on the node editor nothing happens. The textures are again translucent dark gray.