
Why do textures not work well on curved objects.any solutions

No idea what you mean.


I think this may be a question regarding the stretching or distortion of a texture on a complex mesh using the simple mapping methods.


If that is your question, you would do well to read up on texture mapping in the online manual. Check the 2D to 3D Mapping section at http://mediawiki.blender.org/index.php/Manual/PartIV/Map_Input. Then take a look at the info on UV mapping at http://mediawiki.blender.org/index.php/Manual/PartIV/UV_Mapping.

I have a feeling your problem is that you are using one of the simple mapping methods (Flat, Cube, Tube & Sphere) to texture an object that does not conform to one of these basic shapes.

If this does not help, please clarify the problem in your next post.