Thanks for the suggestion. Perhaps using this method will help to understand the UV map better. Sounds like a great new learning opportunity, too!
The faces numbers are built into the texture checkerboard I created (actually recreated from a reference online). Hmm, I wonder if the texture wasn’t included in the blend, appologies if it wasn’t. I attached the JPG 1024x1024px (my version is 2048x2048px but is too large to post here) instead. Your advice is good, however, I need both halves of the bell to be unique (ie fully textured around the bell.) This is because it is the Liberty Bell and there is a crack only on one half of it!!
I attached an even closer close-up to this thread. It shows the UV window and a descriptive arrow about my 2nd question above, as to why the two faces are on this side of the UV unwrap instead of the other side. Is there anyway to “move” them and weld them manually over to the other side?