Hello everyone!
I just wanted to find out how people go about texturing large terrains. Which method would make the game run faster:
-using one large texture
-using several moderate textures
Help would be appreciated.
Hello everyone!
I just wanted to find out how people go about texturing large terrains. Which method would make the game run faster:
-using one large texture
-using several moderate textures
Help would be appreciated.
How much kb or mb do you think the textures are on this image? Guess before you continue reading and let me know what you would have guessed.
I wouldn’t recommend you one huge image for your terain textures. I’m not really an expert but I think using low file size images combinated with stencil maps etc. would be a better solution, I don’t know much about stencil maps, it must be possible to use more than 1 images that way I gues, or layers above… Well anyway, been experimenting with low file size textures and trying to keep decent details, the textures in th image have a texture + normalmap of it, all 128 x 128 resolution, 72dpi, jpg file and both texture and normal map are between 7kb and 14kb! Well I think that’s very light for the detail you remain. ^^
Hope it helps your thinking process in some way.
just to make the searching easier: what wouter meant instead of “stensel” was “stencil”
and, yes, as far as i know, that is your method of choice to texture terrains…
Told you I didn’t know much about them.
Alright, thanks guys! I’ll check out some tutorials for stencil maps
Hey Dhaher,
would be good to know what do you mean with “large terrains”. I did an experimental project where I tried to get landscape of Arma2 island called UTES. It was about 2.7x2.7 km landspace full of objects, with aerial image as a texture seen from higher distance and as I moved closer to the ground detail surfaces started to mix over aerial texture check this video http://vimeo.com/14571756, it is from Czech/Slovak blender conference(so I was speaking slovak), take it just like a showcase(I would like to create a new thread and post more details there).
For this project I decided to cut whole terrain to the bunch of tiles(see pic.[ATTACH=CONFIG]127117[/ATTACH]) and cut aerial texture as well so each terrain tile has its own texture(it was 128x128, but Im not sure now). I had to write some scripts to automatically cut terrain and create UVs for each tile.
hi Dhaher,
i just found a great stencil painting and other related tecniques tutorial,
here it is the link for ya:
its a 4 days tutorial so u may want to go to the first day page !
i hope this helps,