Texturing by texture paint, question to improve result

Well i work like this.
Select my object, add new cycles material, go to edit mode, smart uv unwrap
For the color input, i add a texture node, create a new map trough that node. (or did i do uv unwrap now?)
Well anyway i got the texture and i can paint it, great !!!

However there are often some small dark pixels that wont go away, and while i can paint and smear in 3d mode.
I wonder if i look to the texture, can i also paint there on that texture view ??? (i’m using a beta 2.69.10 or so).
It sounds maybe easy but painting doesnt seam to work there.

Also i’m missing a colour picker; (might be because i run beta), is there a key combo for color picker ?

"S"ample works for color picker and if you switch from View to Paint it works in UV editor window too.