I’m new to Blender. I was working on making a model of a person. While I’m using UV texturing for the T-shirts, pants etc, I was wondering if there is a way to texture individual sections (faces) of the model?
For example, If i wanted the T-shirt portion (that being all the polygons around the torso area) to contain one bump map, and the pants section to contain another bump map texture, is it possible? So far every time I apply a texture, it seems to apply to the entire object, not individual faces.
yes new in 2.43 is that you can have multiple UV Textures for a single mesh, and you pick which one to paint on. so, you define one UV Texture and unwrap the T-shirt faces; another UV Tex for pants, etc. Then assign images to each Texture and you are done. see the NEW http://mediawiki.blender.org/index.php/Manual/Unwrapping_a_Mesh. C&C welcome.