Texturing,lighting,rigging, and maybe,just maybe animation practice...DOMO!

I haven’t been using blender too long, got the essential blender book in 2007, but never used blender much until recently this year.
So my sister got a stuffed domo for her 12th birthday, and looking over the Domo short animations, it looked like good practice for lighting, texturing and rigging.

I want it to look just like it does in the shorts and maybe I’ll try some animation with it later.

So here is the base model I have so far
the back of the model
the top
the side
a test render using AO :frowning: (didn’t turn out too good)
and my reference
And yes,I have the mirror modifier on.
C&C please!:smiley:

If you wanted to smooth out the sharp corners in the center and the funny lines in top view, just move the sub-surf below the mirror in the modifier stack. Apart from that, it looks as though you’ve got the basic shape down, but maybe make the hands a bit thicker.

Thanks mtgg2000! :smiley: My threads rarely get a single comment, and thus my curse has lifted. :wink:
Almost forgot! Here are some wires.
and a new render with a place holder texture. I’ll begin UV unwrapping and using sculpt mode to create a normal map later.
Now, time to get started on that cthuhlu I’ve been yearning to make.(yes I am weird that way)