Ok, nvm, I got it figured out.
Now, how do I delete threads?
Ok, nvm, I got it figured out.
Now, how do I delete threads?
This guys website has instructions on how to apply differnt materials to a single mesh.
He also has some handy easy to follow tutorials that I found very useful.
I have seen Calvin in the forums so if Calvin reads this: Thanks for the help!
Thank you for the tutorial, this one is a lot easier to follow then the once I found
You’re welcome
gat… usally we do “NOT” delete threads, just incase someone else has the same problem, using the search function they can find the solution!
You might also like to read through a tutorial I made on putting up multiple textures at http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?t=82890
I’m blowing my own trumpet here I know, but then I could really use C&C etc in order to iron out any confusing bits. Tutorial was made because this is a common stumbling block for students in my computer class.