Texturing problem

Hello, first thing i want to say is that I’m a real real beginner, I’m trying to texture a mug model so it will show how a mug will look like in real life, hovewer i have come across a problem i have no idea why but the texture is normal in the center but it becomes wider as the mug goes away from the center, i have no idea what to do to make it normal =/


It seems like a problem related to the UV unwrap. Try using option: cylinder projection.

hmm cylinder projection? i can’t see such thing :stuck_out_tongue: theres only projection: tube (which I’m using), and i’m not using UV I’m using generated coordinates

Hi! I came here because what you see I don’t see: the tube projection. In the blender 2.6 manual on texture mapping there are projection types flat, cube, tube, sphere. But the only types I have in my blender is box and flat. Why is that?
