i was wondering if there is a way to make an area a different color but on the same object. do you know?
i was wondering if there is a way to make an area a different color but on the same object. do you know?
There are more than one way. I think what you want though is material indices. you set a new material indice, by going into edit mode, selecting the faces that you want to belong to your first material, go into edit buttons, and in the edit/material buttons next to the vertice group buttons, click on ‘new’, then, go to materials, set the material to the one you want to use for that indice, ( it helps to make a few in advance ) then, back in the edit buttons, click on ‘assign’, and then repeat the procedure for the rest of your object. Also, you might want to experiment with using blend textures, and adjusting the size and offset, and also layering blend textures on top of blend textures. blend textures are fun. anyway good luck with your material indices.
As Modron has said:-
When you want to apply new textures or materials to a mesh which already has a texture/mat applied do the following:-
Enter EDIT mode for the mesh you wish to work on. If your board is made up of joined meshes, select one vert from the object you wish to apply the new mat/texture to, then whilst holding the mouse over another vert of the same object press L, this will select all verts of the object.
If you have one mesh only, use the B button to select the verts you want to colour.
Then in the EDIT buttons, on the left handside, you will see the ‘Mat’ button, with a 1 and a 1 either side of it. I call this the Material Stack, I’m unsure of it’s correct name.
Press the light brown ‘NEW’ button just below.
The ‘Mat’ button now has 2 either side of it. This means you are now affecting the mesh with the second of 2 mats.
Now go to the material buttons, and delete link to the material, then create a new material.
Change this mat as you wish, (add textures etc) then retuirn to the EDIT buttons. Below the ‘NEW’ button you pressed earlier, there is a light brown ‘ASSIGN’ button. Press this to assign the new mat to the selected verts.
You can repeat this process for up to 15 different materials per mesh.
If you wish to edit a different material in the stack, left click on the numbers that appear next to MAT in the edit buttons. The left hand number always represents the total number of materials in the stack, and the right number indicates which material you are affecting.
You just select the mat then move back to the Mat buttons. You can also move between mats in a stack in the same way in the material buttons.
A tip if you are using lots of picture textures, change the main colour sliders, as this is represented in the material stack, by a small box of the same colour, and it can get confusing when they are all grey.
Hope this is of some help,
how do you make something CLEAR/translucent like glass?
If you want glass, use ray tracing, with ‘raytransp’, and ‘raymir’ on,…if you just want something transparent, you can just click ‘ztransp’, and turn down the alpha slider.
the multitextureing still isn’t working…i go into edit mode, select the face i want, add new to the mat button, delete the old texture, then add a new one w/ a different color. am i missing somethin?
um…nevermind, i got it, forgot the assign button
also try UV mapping. there’s a link in my sig to a VERY basic tut. It just shows you how to put a texture on a single face at a time, but there are a whole slough of other options. I imagine there is something in the documentation, and BgDM is going to do a brand new tut one of these days.