Thank you Adam Etheredge

Luckily I had subscribed to the thread that was deleted, and got your answer to my problem in the email. It wasn’t AO but it was due to Environmental lighting. So thank you.

Hehe. Thank you for the kind response, and sorry I was wrong about AO.
I was having similar problems with a makehuman girl I was working on. With certain settings, her face and brow looked great. Then, after messing with environment lighting and Ao and other settings like that, I noticed that I could see her eyebrows sticking out noticeably. I thought it was weird.
So that’s how I got started being obsessed with Environment lighting, AO, and other such render settings, and also how I got addicted to having a million different graphical external renderers and… well, you all know how that goes.

At any rate, glad you figured it out.
Keep up the great work on that model. She’s looking good, and very unique.
Happy blending, and thanks again for the mention. You made me blush! ;D