Thanks For All Your Efforts

Thank you developers, bug reporters, idea submitters and moderators.

You make the blender world go round.

Well, at least someone is happy in this forum section :slight_smile:

Let me add my humble thanks too!

Yay!, me too, blender is an amazing piece of software, and i’m so happy that i’ve been working with it every day on commercials and short films, and even a series that turned into a feature, for a long time now! =)
Thanks for al the gorgeous tools that you keep adding !

Big Thank You from here too.

I’m a Newbie so I only have one year experience with Blender and 3d…So don’t know how it was in old day’s… a lot harder I believe.

The Development the year I have been in is AMAZING…So many new thing and small update. All very usefull and make Blender BETTER and BETTER - Every Day…Cheers


Thanks a lot from me too, glad to see some positive energy here!
Devs, you are doing incredible good job.

glad to see some positive energy here!

I had to be that guy :smiley:

Seriously, I concur that the devs. have done an amazing job over the years, there are very few FOSS programs that match Blender in terms of power and quality.

+1 thanking the devs. :slight_smile:

Oh yeah, many thanks from me too !

Honestly, the hard work of the Blender people is highly appreciated :yes:

For sure, appreciate all the hard work.

I’ll take the opportunity to say special thanks to all the peeps creating addons that are in the Scripts Section! Without many of those addons I would not be able to use Blender. Big Thanks!

Many thanks from me as well. Blender opened up the world of 3D for me and gave me much joy over the years.

Thank you very much to all of them

Also thanks to all those who make tutorials and help in the forums and in the IRC channel.

Yup, big thanks to the developers that have brought us Blender. Just because I don’t always agree with them doesn’t mean I’m ungrateful for their efforts :slight_smile:

Absolutely! Blender developers work their arses off, and there are very few areas of Blender that are still lacking for me.

Thank you developers and artists for this great piece of software! And thank you Ton for …? What does this guy do? :smiley:

Even though I have been a big skeptic of FOSS, learning Blender in past 6 months has been the greatest blessing and best choice of my career.

I struggle to find words how grateful I am to all the developers and Ton. Their work represents innovation, capability and freedom in an otherwise stagnated, monopolistic market that chokes the artist out of anyone.

Sincerest gratitude!

Well I might as well join the gratitude bandwagon. :slight_smile: Thanks !

Thank you to all the devs (scripts/addons like Orange said are sooo important, patches, BF, BI), people doing some support and all the artists creating awesome art and sharing their knowledge and experience here!

Donating would be be a far superior form of expressing gratitude. :slight_smile:

I have been attempting to grow the BGE userbase, and Game Engine Developer base.

Also, I have been showing indies that blender is just as powerful for content creation as Maya, or 3dstudiomax.

I can do this always. Money on the other hand…