Thanks to everyone

Im new on this of Blender, and even newer in this forum. In fact this is my 1st post. More than introducing myself, i just want to thanks everyone in the forum for the inconditional support and help you give to al those newbies in the world of blender. Including me.
I don´t know if you do it cause you care about others, or you just want to show how much you know. Or may be you have a lot of free time, dont know. The thing is that i´ve found tons of material in dedicated sites, forums, wikipedia, even videotutorials,!. And no one asked me something in exchange.
That unconditional help is extremely important for all of us, the less experienced.
I hope the blendermaniatic i have inside can grow bigger in the next months, so i will be able to help others in the same way you hepm me and others now. really, thanks.

Unconditional love. It’s the best kind. :slight_smile:

Welcome to blenderartists.

Dito Marty,

We hope you’ll enjoy the bunch of us :wink:

And remember: only experience will get you good; there is no instant-MMORPG-in-blender mix.

Keep on blendin’ :cool:

Enjoy the best forums on earth, m8!
