Hey! Me and a colleague have made a Blender Game to find out what kinds of things are possible with the blender game engine and we were quite surprised. Here is a small video of the result.
How did you get Blender to support the 3d WoW screens? Did it support it out of the box, or did you have to modify the Blender source code to support it?
the run animation on that character was WAY too fast for his movement speed- maybe slow the run and speed up the movement, so they meet in the middle?
very nice job : )
About the philips screens, we have an opengl application that modifies the outgoing signal to the screen. Meaning any opengl application or game can be played in 3D.
We both never done anything before in blender so some of the earlier modeling is done in 3dsmax, just because we were familiair with that program. Textures and normal maps are edited in photoshop!
About the WoWVX screen compatibility, we used a openGL wrapper ( an openGL.dll replacement) !
We just started building this game to get to know blender and the game engine, we just started building without planning anything in front.
We are now messing arround with the latest apricot build and planning on a new game because man! Realtime shadows and stuff! Very nice stuff. This time we will do some artwork in front to make the total game in 1 cool style.
Nice, like a male tombraider. Or maybe Lara was a female Indiana Jones. The character’s mesh deforms really bad (that’s ok, mine too), but your environments and textures are magnificent!!
Amazing graphics!
Did you bump map the bricks?
malCanDo: He may have used the stereo settings in the Game Framing settings?
I want a Philips 3D WoW!
> About the WoWVX screen compatibility, we used a openGL wrapper ( an openGL.dll replacement) !
Did that OpenGL wrapper cost much, or is it a free download for owners of WoW screens? I remember chatting to someone who owned one of these screens, and they seemed to think that the replacement driver had to be purchased at a “not small” price!
Our company worked closesy with Philips on making the WoWVX screens better so we got the wrapper for free. I personaly think it should not cost much, knowing all it does is putting the z-depth info next to the normal output and a small pixel header on top of it, but then; I am not a openGL programmer so what do I know :). Its pretty cool though, it allows every openGL game to be run in 3D on de WoWvx.
The company we work at works closely with Philips on making the WoWVX better, so we got the wrapper for free! It shouldnt cost much though; al it does is take the z-depth and put it next te the normal output and it puts a little header on top of it for the screen to recognize. But then; Im not a openGL programmer