The Ash Grove...

I’m just a newbie, this is my second picture with blender.
Note that I actually modeled the window, but it’s got a texture on it…
Tree made with python program [can’t remember the name right now.]
C&C gladly appreciated. [if the image doesn’t work…]

tree looks fake, and the color diff. between the bg and fg is REALLy annoying, try diff lights

I got to working and fixed some things:
I especially like the tree on this one compared to the other…:wink:
Click here if the picture doesn’t show…

something is totally WIERDASSED. its all wierd! u cant see parts of the tree! also, make the tree texture repeat!

Just a sugestion, but you might wanna try modeling the wall behind the tree (It’s just a texture right now?) and using textures/modeling that matches the tree? Realistic and unrealistic right next to eachother don’t fit too great. And the halo light is kind of funny looking… Might wanna change lighting of the wall??

I think it looks shhhWeet,…however I would turn that spot halo way down.


too bright, and a bump texture on the bark would be good. give the spot a better colour too, other than grey.

top notch stuff!