The Asteracers Project

christiani- No, I’m talking about for the fight scenes.
Most of the game will be racing, but some parts will be fighting the United Worlds government.

“Compress File” doesn’t seem to be working…

Oh, cool ! A multi-genre game… Good idea…:wink: BTW, some of my ships already have cannon animations, so it will be easier for you to get them work:D (and a few bonus actions too :slight_smile: )

Oh, cool ! A multi-genre game… Good idea…:wink: BTW, some of my ships already have cannon animations, so it will be easier for you to get them work:D (and a few bonus actions too :slight_smile: ).
If you want to upload the blend to another site, go to and upload the blend there, it’s free and you don’t need an account either(and it doesn’t get deleted too)/ or you could unpack the blend, and post both the textures and the blend :stuck_out_tongue:

I just made a “little” boss-like bad guy :D:evilgrin: . A kind of battlecruiser with a laser, to fire use ctrl, and i also made the engine a separate object to be used later(as a weak point maybe? to disable it from rotating to fire at us :p). The ship may look a bit unusual, but the lower big 2 armor plates are staying (partially floating) because of the power generators( a bit of inspiration from starcraft :smiley: ). I hope you’ll like it:


boss_ship1.blend (878 KB)

I just made a “little” boss-like bad guy:D:evilgrin:. A kind of battlecruiser with a laser, to fire use ctrl, and i also made the engine a separate object to be used later(as a weak point maybe? to disable it from rotating to fire at us :p). The ship may look a bit unusual, but the lower big 2 armor plates are staying (partially floating) because of the power generators( a bit of inspiration from starcraft :D). I hope you’ll like it:


boss_ship1.blend (879 KB)

Hey, Christiani_ if- if you wanna-
You’re more than good enough, so:
Welcome to the team as a Modeler!!

Hey, Christiani_ if- if you wanna-
You’re more than good enough, so:
Welcome to the team as a Modeler!!

Thanks for getting me in the team polyman, but we have a little problem… I can only help occasionally (and I repeat, Occasionally), so don’t count on me…:slight_smile: Of course I’ll continue modeling something more:D, but don’t expect super modeling speed :slight_smile: . How about some suggestions regarding models you need?

OK, here is a ship that I made (I’m sort of new to Blender, but oh well).


Screen (Render):
Also, I modeled it off this:

id like to help, if u need any help. Im pretty good at modelling and texturing, but im not good at python.

ill try to post a spaceship that i made a year ago, if u need anymore space ships.

Good, everyone! You know, we can always use a few models. Right now we need spaceships, asteroids/meteors, “techno” items such as oil tanks, pipes, and wires, etc. Pretty much anything “spacey”, just not cartoony. If you want to be part of te team, just yelp! (Dhaher, sure you can help! What are you really good at, and what have you modeled in the past?

heres a spaceship model that i modeled. Hope u like it :smiley: :


btw, how could i join the official team?

OK, here is a laser power-up model I made.

Screen (Again, Render):
I also made a turret (It’s attached to an Asteroid), maybe it could act as an obstacle that shoots missiles at you…
Hehe…could I…maybe…CoughBeATeamMember/ContributorCough


Laser.blend (297 KB)Turret.blend (161 KB)

Sure, dhaher and Crasher! Welcome aboard!

(btw, Crasher, we are really aiming for a slightly more realistic look for the models.)

How’s this?


Laser.blend (187 KB)

thanks for excepting me in the team polyman. I’ve got some textures and a model for the game, hope u and the other team members like it:


I made it using blender, photoshop, and graphics gale. This texture is seamless.


this is the same as the previose texture but i changed its color using photoshop.
just right click and save!! :slight_smile:

i thought u could use these textures as metior textures or asteroids, that sort of thing. If u texture correctly, it should look great!!

moving on to the model:

Satallite Preview:


this would be my first contributing as a team member!! :smiley: :smiley:

BTW: I’m guessing that by becoming a team member my name (Dhaher) would be in the credits? just wondering :slight_smile:

and how do u make a .blend file downloadable directly from this site?

To crasher, the models u made r pretty good, one thing tho, they have more polygons than they need. U dont need to remodel them, u just need to reduce the faces, because chances r the game will have more than 1 of them, adding the polygons that other objects have (asteroids, viecles), it might be too heavy for lowend pc’s don’t u think? :slight_smile:

BTW: how did u make the file downloadable directly from this website?

dhaher- How you do it is when you scroll down to the page bottom to post a quick reply, you will see 2 buttons. One says Post Quick Reply, the other says Go Advanced. Click on Go Advanced. You scroll down the page until you see a button that says manage attachments. Click there. A popup will appear. Go to the box that says Upload File from Your Computer. Click Browse, browse to your file, and Open! (Make sure it’s around under a megabyte, though."

thanx polyman!! :smiley:

btw, i just saw the ship4 file and its excellent!! i spent about half an hour just flying around XD

the controls feel just right :slight_smile:

where can i learn python? cause i have no python knowledge so far :frowning:

I have no clue. Why don’t you ask dedean16? He’s pretty good at it!

(by the way, thanks! The ship4 file is pretty new, so you should have a pretty good idea of how a race in the game with checkpoints will feel.)