The big Blender Sculpt Mode thread (Part 1)

Been experimenting with Face Sets some more. Excellent feature, with some really cool tricks I managed to find out along the way that I don’t think Pablo originally intended.

For one, you can now cut your model up using Face Sets and Edit Mode. Just isolate the set in Sculpt Mode and go straight to Edit Mode. Then you select the entire visible mesh and separate by selection. Now you have two separate meshes which you can Sculpt on separately and remesh as you want.

However, to remesh without getting any bugs you need to use Mask Slice and Fill Holes without actually creating a mask. That way Blender fills the hole/-s where the old face set was, which will fix Voxel Remesher to work properly again.

Another super neat trick is that Face Sets unintentionally fixed a glaring problem I used to have with Blender sculpting, that being the lack of clarity of which object you are currently sculpting on. With Face Sets you are now able to do this (The model was originally one object, which I cut up into pieces as seen in the video.):

Fun fact, using the Transform tools actually allows you to instantly switch from one object to the next in the viewport. Really handy. :partying_face: