The big Blender Sculpt Mode thread (Part 1)

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Damn. Looks more broken than never.

Pablo created dev tasks and tagged them for 2.82.


So we might be seeing trimming tools in Blender sooner than we think. Nice! :partying_face:


Trim box should be done after T67744 is finished

And Pablo seems to agree…

I don’t really understand why he is keeping Pose tool as a brush.
He already introduced transform tools into sculpt mode.
Maybe he could make an active tool with settings and gizmo more adapted than brush ones for that.


I’m waiting for the “Dyntopo Performance Improvements” task.

It’s weird they don’t have a task for this. :upside_down_face:


Dyntopo is a concepting tool and does its job well in that department. If it can be improved it would be very much welcomed, but there are bigger fish to fry right now, so it should be low priority.


Voxel remesh is also a concepting tool, and no, it doesn’t do it’s job well, the performance is crap, and a fix for that should be high priority imo.

Man, you have no idea how sculptris pro changed the workflow of tons of zbrush users, many are skipping dynamesh nowadays. Now I’m seeng more and more people going sculptris pro > zremesher > subdivide/project/details… done. Way faster than fighting dynamesh.
It wouldn’t be possible with a shitty performance. :wink:

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From reading your posts in this thread and others, the following things appear to be true:

  • You have strong opinions on what would be improvements to Blender
  • You have a mind for tackling technical issues
  • You have at least enough free time available to make frequent posts here

With those things in mind, perhaps it’s time that you consider rolling up your sleeves and write some patches to implement these improvements that you’re talking about. It certainly sounds like you’re capable.


WTH, what’s wrong with you? That’s a weird mindset man. Come on…

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So if someone appears to have the time and ability to do something good, it’s weird to suggest that they actually do it?

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Looks like the fix for your bug report got committed. :+1:

Didn’t sounded like a genuine suggestion. :thinking:
If I was an C programmer, obviously I would try to write stuff. I only know Delphi/Object Pascal and a worthless bit of Python. LOL…

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It’s absolutely a genuine suggestion. Quite a few Blender coders (I daresay most of them) don’t have a formal software development background and started hacking on Blender because it wasn’t doing what they wanted and they had the time and ability to do something about it.

You appear to have those things, so the suggestion is absolutely genuine. If you already understand technical issues and know a little about how code works, you have a head start already.


Dynamesh still produces more polys with better sculpting performance than Sculptris Pro. I have used the feature, just so you know. Yes, you can skip Dynamesh for the most part in ZBrush, but we don’t have any ways of improving Dyntopo in Blender because of the way it’s built. Pablo said it himself. It still does enough of a good job to build your mesh so that when you need to work with a higher poly count, Voxel can compensate for the shortcomings of Dyntopo.

The current workflow for Dyntopo -> Voxel is pretty simple and straight forward as it is right now. You can build pretty much your entire sculpt with Dyntopo and then use Voxel to max out your poly count once or twice to get the results you want. You can also mix and match both methods thanks to Voxel Adaptivity optimising performance a bit. This workflow is already pretty fast and efficient in 2.81+, so it should frankly be a low priority task to rework Dyntopo, since that’s what it would take to get it on par with Sculptris Pro.


whats the point going from dyntopo to voxel if both are a concepting stage?

Dyntopo struggles to sculpt before even hitting 1 million vertices. Voxel can sculpt with verts in the millions. Last month I sculpted a model with 15-16 million vertices using Voxel so I could refine the details and even texture before projecting the details back onto a retopo mesh.

That’s the point.

so why even bother with dyntopo if voxel remeshing is so much better?