The big Blender Sculpt Mode thread (Part 1)

It is a lot faster in Sculpt Mode when sculpting, so why would you go into Edit Mode for fixing that? It fills the holes automatically and you don’t need to select anything to have the mesh holes filled, which will break Voxel Remesher if you don’t fix them.

I don’t mind a faster Edit Mode, but Mask Slice and Fill Holes does the job perfectly fine for this type of problem, which is why I brought it up.

Have you ever tried ? You could. It works in 2.82, 2.81,…2.79 etc…

Filling tools in edit mode are not requiring to take time to a lot of time to make select of border of holes; when you know that there is a Select Non Manifold operator.
But now, I think that you wanted to say Mask Slice to New object instead of Mask Slice and Fill Holes.

Anyways, that sentence was more refering to TheRedWaxPolice quote talking about Zmodeler tools.

I did. In fact, I wrote an RCS post highlighting this very problem where isolating parts of a mesh in Edit Mode did not show any results in Sculpt Mode months ago. I was experimenting with materials to simulate a polygroups system for sculpting and this was the one obstacle that prevented me from using this method.

I don’t understand what you are talking about.
If I select faces in edit mode, press H -> faces are hidden and if I switch to Sculpt mode, same faces are still hidden.

Here is the original post I made back in May last year where I brought up this problem:

If they fixed the issue since I wrote it, then I haven’t been informed about it.

No, I know what I said. Mask Slice and Fill Holes. It always fills all holes created by separating face sets from each other in Edit Mode. Voxel Remesher needs complete meshes to remesh properly, so that’s why I recommended using this to make Voxel Remesher work again. You don’t need to mask anything for the fill holes part of the description to work.

What I wrote is working in master, but in 2.82 and previous releases, too.
But you may have been misled by shading of sphere in Sculpting template.
When you are in edit mode, wireframe is disappearing with hidden faces.
But when you go back to sculpt mode, back faces of sphere are shaded like front ones by matcap ; and you may think that there is no hole. But there is one.
Enable Backface Culling or Change Shading from Matcap to Studio or Enable Wireframe, you should see a hole.

So, you separate parts in several objects and, then redo a Mask Slice Fill holes for each object.
Instead you could simply split selection in edit mode, Fill Holes, once for all parts and then, separate them.
Or you could stay in Sculpt mode, isolate one face set, fill mask on this part and do a Mask to new object ( it fills holes for both parts in one step).

You said it yourself. Edit Mode is slow. Sculpt Mode by comparison is not. Also, not everyone needs to do another remesh or even need to fill the holes. Doing it in Sculpt Mode is fast for fixing those problems on the fly if you truly need to. No need to go back into Edit Mode when it is right there in Sculpt Mode.

Thanks for the tip. Might try it some time this week if I get the time. Sure would have been useful to know when I tried this last year.

I hate switching modes… :slightly_smiling_face:
And you know, edit mode will never be able to handle millions of polys like in sculpt mode…
So yea, it would be nice to have the basic modeling functionality directly in sculpt mode…


These two statements directly conflict with each other because if Edit mode can never do it, then Sculpt mode can’t either if it takes on behavior of Edit mode. Otherwise Sculpt mode would just be a hamstrung Edit mode or Edit mode isn’t as optimized as it could be, take your pick.

Well my example doesn’t have cavity on and it’s with the default scene.
Here is a comparison with Zbrush, you can clearly see the difference but without face sets the issue is less prominent…I hope someone else can check it.

I can confirm the same issue on my end. It’s not Face Sets which is causing this, but masking in general.

I dragged the slider for mask opacity and I immediately noticed the reason for the strange behaviour. Blender is trying to compensate for the increasingly black value that masking adds to your mesh by adding white wireframes. If you drag mask opacity to max then it becomes less of an issue, but there is definitely something weird going on with the colour blending when transitioning from black wireframes to white.


Sure it can… :wink:

Not yet. I rarely need to use it, and use the assigned materials to faces option when I need it. It works the same.

But I’m definitely going to notify the Quad Remesher developer of the new Face Sets. Support would be welcome.


So can Edit mode… :wink:

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Unfortunately edit mode will probably never handle the ammount of geometry that sculpt mode can. The main reason is because edit mode must handle more information and more use cases that sculpt mode (with multires) doesn’t need to handle (e.g. Non manifold geometry, bmesh, separated treatment of geometry, and others). Thats one of the reasons in edit mode 250k faces can make your nuclear powered machine crawl, when in sculpt mode it can handle 25 millions of faces without much effort. (i’ve seen managing 40+ millions of faces in the 2.7x era with reasonable fps (15-25) some years ago)

There’s an ongoing effort to make edit mode faster, but i think in the end will require a major rewrite and redesign to really fix this limitation, alongside others


We are talking about tools to edit faces.
If information handled to accomplish that can be minimized, I don’t see why it could be done only for sculpt mode.
We can imagine a minimized info mode in edit mode like dyntopo in sculpt mode, that would force user to only use active tool and handle in memory only info needed for this tool.
We would not have to duplicate those same tool in UI and clutter toolbar in sculpt mode with tools that are not brushes.

I’ve renamed a Sculpt Mode discussion at Devtalk to Sculpt Mode feedback.

If you’ve got good constructive feedback or an interesting suggestion regarding Blender Sculpt Mode, you can post it there.

Please don’t flood it with complaints and bug reports, so Pablo and fellow Blender developers will have a clear, useful collection of Sculpt Mode feedback.

:point_right: Bug reports can be submitted here.



Thanks for keeping the forum organized!

It’d be great to have some sort of updated summary in the first post. Something among the lines of the module plans, just to keep track of what meaningful proposals have already been made so people don’t have to read through all the comments.

I know it’s a big task to keep this up to date, but it’d really help. Not just for this thread but many others. I know many professionals who are just lost in terms of where to ask questions, and what has already been proposed or what is in progress.


Fix T74646: Pick a random face set to be rendered white when randomizing the…
Fix Face Set operators not modifying sigle poly Face Sets
Fix T74648: Do not relax with 0 neighbors or no vertex normal
Fix mesh shrinking when using the relax mesh filter.
Fix Face Set operators not modifying sigle poly Face Sets
Fix flood fill operation not taking into account hidden vertices
Use golden ratio conjugate for Face Sets hue generation
Fix boundary edges detection ignoring Face Set visibility