The big Blender Sculpt Mode thread (Part 1)

Thanks Metin_Seven!
Will try that tonight.

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Just trying to improve my hardsurface workflow


Interesting, thanks for sharing.

You only seem to use the old Sculpt Mode brushes, is there a reason for that? I don’t see you using newer brushes like Draw Sharp or Multi-plane Scrape, while those brushes are very suitable for hard-surface sculpting.


I guess it’s quite hard to see what features I’m using from this timelapse:) Yes, fortunately I didn’t found good reason to use DrawSharp and Multi-plane Scrape. I tried few times, but no.
But I’m using a lot NormalRadius, MeshFilter, FaceSets, Transform tool, Masking, and Remesh of course:)
Would be nice to see how to use DrawSharp and Multi-plane Scrape for hardsuface workflow(no idea at the moment)


Has anyone heard recently something about what happened to the improvements planned for vertex colors painting? My question is mainly about when things will start to be put into master.


I even forgot this brush exist… LOL
It’s almost useless without the pinch modifier, IMO…

I’d like to know that as well…
The development of stuff seems pretty random… :neutral_face:


It is planned for 2.90. However, commits have been pretty slow for every BCon1 release since 2.81 because they keep developing a Beta and Alpha simultaneously. Once the 2.83 Beta is over things will move along faster.

Personally I wish they were a bit more aggressive with pushing changes to early Alpha and worried about fixing stuff later after the Beta is done so the Alpha testers can find bugs and issues as early as possible. If something is breaking too much and can’t be fixed in time the devs should be able to pull stuff out of Master by the time the Beta period rolls out. At least that’s how I see it.


Yes, it’s now really over a year since.

Yes, agreed. For such things I wished they’d at least put it into the experimental section in the prefs and simply leave it there until it got improved to be ready for release. It could be deactivated per default to do no harm. May not work for every change though, but perhaps for vertex painting. :wink:


But together with Pinch it’s often better than Crease brush, or than regular Draw brush with sharp falloff.


Yeah. If pinching was added I wouldn’t even bother with the Crease brush since Draw Sharp produces better results. Wouldn’t mind seeing the Crease brush gone by that point, honestly.


The point is, the goal of the draw sharp brush was to have something similar to the dam_standard brush, and without the pinch modifier it failed it’s purpose. Of course we can find nice usage for it…

But that’s not Dobarro’s fault, he actually made it, as we know… But I don’t know who’s the person he asked to review it… and that person didn’t do it’s job and never said anything. Weird stuff…

Personally, I kind of like the fact that Draw Sharp doesn’t pinch, but works pretty straightforward. For really sharp creases I’m using the Multi-plane Scrape brush these days. But it would be nice to have a Pinch value / slider for the Draw Sharp brush. If that would be added I agree with @Frozen_Death_Knight that the Crease brush would become obsolete.


There’s no dev entered as reviewer at all. Seems it never made it that far. Last hope on this is if the different brushmethods really become merged into a freely customizable one.

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In next car I use FaceSets much more intensively. Really helps for hard surface when mix with Pinch+Smooth.



I like your split UI with a full extra column at the left side for maximum brush settings space.


Multires: Enable sculpting in all subdivision levels

Return the correct sculpt level in BKE_multires_sculpt_level_get and
enable the property in the UI


Let the bugs hunt begin…


Multires: Unsubdivide and Rebuild Subdivisions
Multires: Subdivide Simple and Subdivide Linear
committed - now it will be in master=)



The recent Multires commits should mean Blender 2.90 being the best sculpt experience you can find outside of the world of Zbrush (as there’s little to no dev. activity in the big commercial apps when it comes to sculpting, even Maya).

The commit description states the unsubdivide/rebuild stuff works with meshes that are all triangles too, so the use of Dyntopo for the base form isn’t completely down and out.