The big Blender Sculpt Mode thread (Part 1)

I never said stop making Multi rez.
Bring on multi rez for Blender, more advanced features and possibilities in Blender is better indeed.

Indeed i use Zbrush subdivision, the thing you call multi rez in Blender, so i use and do mutli rez, while i don’t need to keep lower subdivisions.

Guerilla Games just ask a specialized retopo company to make the retopo, they don’t use the multi rez as retopo for Horizon game.
While i agree it’s different for others media needs and other companies.

BTW, let’s move on on more interesting features discussion, because multi rez is already available in Blender (and it’s a great feature indeed).

Can you paint metallic and roughness values in Vertex paiting ?

In 3D Coat you can, but the big issue for people wanting to bake those diffuse,roughness and metallic to textures, is that’s is too heavy data size to handle.
So the baked textures roughness and metallic are not very accurate as your Voxel model painting.

I think it’s another must have feature in Blender.


You could even in 2.79.

But can you get the same visuals as your renders, i mean about roughness and metallic textures values ?
That would mean it’s possible , so 3D Coat should improve vertex baking workflow.

Strange. Sometimes sculpting-to-displacement works. In other cases, I only get paint-to-bumpmap, without displacements. I was not able to recreate my results and assumed that I made a misstake, and I marked my last comment for deletion. But later tests showed again, that sculpting-to-displacement truly works in some cases.

Dont know the reason why it does work in some cases, and wont in other cases. I actually did same steps on each.


There are 8 slots for vertex paint. You can use them however you want. Values from 0 to 1 are simply white to black. With gamma correction color can be used as input to roughness/metallic.

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That’s great.
But about the baking precision and quality, would someone have some screenshots of baked textures Vs vertex paint ?

I did not tried vertex paint in Blender for texture painting, so can you use external texture for painting ?

Found the problem.
Sculpt-to-displacement does work on 2.90 …
but it does not work with 2.83.

1:39 — tea time

zeauro, thanks for the tip.

Can you paint metallic and roughness values in Vertex paiting ?

Ratchet, thanks.
Not that I’m aware of at this point … It’s not a BPR workflow (yet ?)
It’s quite similar to zbrush’s polypaint

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Hi all, I’ve been trying to use the sculpt vertex colours with the sculpting template but it has no colour just greyscale. If I open Blender and go into sculpt mode the colour works. Is there a setting missing?

Edit: I just created a new sculpting template Blend file and overwrite the default sculpting startup template. which fixed the issue.

Activate Viewport Shading ➔ Color ➔ Vertex

To avoid this confusion I think it should be activated automatically once you activate the Paint tool.

Yeah I know about that but my issue was the colours being greyscale. As soon as I used the sculpting template the colours become grayscale. So I overited the sculpting template from default startup Blender which fixed the issue.
This was the issue.

Edit: Here’s the Blender file with the issue.

You should not be able to spot differences.

As brush mask or what?
You can even paint bump roughness and metalness at same time by using rgb values for all channels. Unfortunately its problematic cause there is no way to turn off channels you dont want to change. It will just overwrite values with 0. But still you can use separate slot for bump metalness roughness. This definitly has huge potential since there is node based workflow in mari and more and more people like it more than layer system. I wish Pablo will improve vertex paint so it would not be limited to 8slots and i would love to see another forth channel cause sometime rgb is not enought and its problematic. Alpha channel would be welcomed.

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Does anyone know if displacement baking is coming back now that there is multires in progress?

Removing the displacement map baking (multires/selected to active) was a horrible 2.8x regression in my view.


Priority for Displacement Baking task was set to High, one week ago.

Recently, Brecht made OpenImageDenoiser working in Viewport.
Other tasks for 2.90 are about noise reduction, speed improvement, too (Scrambling Distance, Blue-Noise dithering & Embree).

Roadmap about Render Pipeline and Cycles is indicating that work on Baking will be done in November/December as a target for 2.92/2.93.
So, we should not expect displacement baking before next year.


Thanks for the update.

For those who just started using Blender with 2.8x and wondering how you can bake displacement maps, you need to download 2.79 and bake your displacement maps in that version for the time being.


I understand Mari, is a great texturing tool used for movie or games also.
It can deal with 8K and higher rez textures without freezing or slowing down and it’s really powerfull.

Blender is about making 3D art, if it could get most common material painting features, this would make a great combo and a great overall 3D tool.

  • Procedural materials like Substance, 3D Coat, Quixel or Mari
  • Layers
  • nodes system for non destructive workflow
  • More mask features , cavity map or mask, curvature map generation
  • More drawing tools like shapes, splines and others

the sculptris feature u mentioned above is in blender like ages ago. details as u zoom is already exist in blender i was using it in 2017 and 2018 as in v2.79 , made so many sculpts with that. just dont say something witch u dont know


A lot of that is already being worked on (Armor Paint), however in my opinion it needs more official support from the BF. I am not entirely a fan of Lubos putting a lot of his time on getting this stuff to work on android and ios platforms either. The idea is solid though, one many of us have wanted for awhile now… a mixing of layers with nodes driving each layer.


Also thing about Mari is, at least based on my some what older license of it, is that while it looks powerful on the surface, the over all workflow is slow and convoluted. Toss on the fact it is very taxing on the system as you have to constantly play a game of resource management while texturing, it becomes a very over rated piece of software.

The only thing I think Blender devs should be inspired by from Mari is the masking capabilities. For the rest I would just aim to match substance and mixer, with the 3D coat’s brush system… or better yet find a way to get Armor Paint (Armory 3D) as a native aspect of Blender, while supporting the developer behind it. Either way, normal layers should be a part of the workflow as node based approaches, while powerful, do end up being more time consuming. Both are clearly possible at the same time.


Not easy to learn but great possibilities.

Or as paint approach for another possible fast workflow.

BTW, i agree Blender would be awesome if it would get procedural materials and get complete painting common features.
Not sure this will get worked as there is so many things worked on already.
So we can just stick with specialized software meanwhile.

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