The big Blender Sculpt Mode thread (Part 1)

It should be possible for people who want that.

Yes, get the essentials ones first.
And let people create their own brushes, and perhaps later let them do like in 3D coat organize folders and be able to browse brushes.

That could be great.

Perhaps ad hidden secondary brushes panel for those less common and specialize, so the user could any time hide or show additionnal brushes panels.

BTW, i agree let’s get the essential brushes, and let Blender developers choose how users could create their own brushes categories panels or browsers.

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Been sculpting more with multires, still getting random spikes on higher subd levels. Anyway, one thing I think that needs to change is Undo should not undo brush switching and brush settings when sculpting.

The random spike happen when symmetry is broken(turning OFF symmetry , sculpt high res detail, then turning if OK,sculpt). Keep fighting it by smoothing it, only to lose detail, and now I can’t even smooth one spike.

Back to good old Zbrush.


What, nobody posted this yet?

Now I’ll get those new feature post likes, finally! :wink:


Nice ! I don’t usually polypaint, but this is starting to look like fun.


I have not seen spikes in my new sculpt. For the undo things that is the most annoying thing i currently encounter in blender. Its also in texture paint and other modes…
Finding the right brush settings is a horror and i have no idea why its not already changed…


Not a fan of the desing, to me the goal should be to have something like edit mode in the side bar and a favorites filter in the global brush palette, that way you could add more custom brushes too, it is something that you could do before there just adding numbers before the brush, I suppose it could be done under the hood too.

Pablo implemented the fill mode, I think it isn’t part of the vertex paint but it would be nice to have the gradient mode from texture paint there too



Have a heart for your effort :smile: :smile: :smile:


Sculpt: Pose Brush option to affect loose parts


It is supposed to be fixed in master and 2.83.1 for Sculpt mode and Texture Paint mode.

There is a gradient in Weight Paint mode and ability to use textures in Vertex Paint mode.
So, I supposed that is just a matter of time before being able to do the same in Sculpt mode for Sculpt Vertex Colors.

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Its so not fixed… I am on 2.9 and its with every mode. Texture paint, sculpt, weight paint you can choose it… I guess i have to report it too.

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Undo doesn’t seem to switch brushes for me anymore (2.9). Maybe try doing a factory reset and see if it resolves it?

But does it undo brush settings with the stroke, that’s the real issue.

edit: It does seem to not undo brush settings with strokes now in 2.83.1. They do appear to continue to add brush settings to the undo stack before an image is created though, so there’s still a small landmine but if you’re undoing that far, it’s probably not an issue.

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Hey, it’s summer. Even us nerds have to take a break and go outside once in a while. :partying_face: :sun_with_face:


Sculpt: Mask By Color


haha it gets worse and worse :rofl:


William Reynish does it again. What a mess. Can’t it just have a simple and advanced view? Come oooon, at least combine the first three and last two subpanels for goodness sake… And why are there two separate Simple buttons?


Anyone knows why we don’t have the measure tool in sculpt mode?

That is waaaaaay too many tabs for my taste. I can understand maybe 1 or 2, but 6? The design needs an overhaul for sure.


Keep calm.
Pablo already commented it.
And after that, Hans agreed to move levels on top outside of any sub-panel.
After mine, he accepted to fuse 2 panels.

There is no chance, end result looks like that.


We’ll see. But that spliting of subdivide and unsubdivide reminds me on uv editing where stitch and weld are in the uv menu and context menu and split is in the selection menu and nowhere in the context menu at all.