The big Blender Sculpt Mode thread (Part 1)

Joe unnested the Brush Settings subpanels under Brush tab as new panels.
The UI is less horrible, that way.


Hi, is it possible to add “enable collision” in the boundary brush option in the future as i think it will be great addition. Cloth sculpting in blender is not far behind the Z program :joy:


3.0. Sculpt-dev is more stable if you’re changing the mesh in edit mode though.


I was too specific, I’ve updated the roadmap to say that new brushes will be reviewed and hidden behind an experimental preference if unstable or buggy.


Is this still happening in the latest builds? Thanks.


I found the problem (my old config files). (4) :anchor: T93123 Massive lag when enabling Viewport Shading → Color → Vertex and using Sculpt Vertex Color on a high poly mesh. (

When i use a fresh daily build without importing my old config i don’t get the lag. Might be useful to evaluate what setting caused the problem - other people might run into the same issue when they import settings/config from a previous blender version.
I linked my “broken” config files in the bug report so you and other can try to replicate the issue.

Joe you are awesome and our only hope - huge thanks for your work!

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Any chance we can pls have an export mesh with subdivision surface or multires modifiers viewport display turned off?
Currently Blender requires the viewport display on for the export with the modifiers to work. Maybe a Do not apply modifiers option added to the export settings?

Also thank you so much for the work you are doing with Blender sculpting :+1:

You have to precise for what format.
Most of exports already have an Apply Modifiers option under their Geometry panel.
You can disable the option.

Current way of applying subdivisions according to what is shown in 3D Viewport allows to export mesh, at any level of subdivision, without creating specific settings for each exporter.

For fbx and obj file formats preferably. I think this should be possible for all file formats but if this is going to be a problem to implement I think those two are mostly used by 3d artists.

Yeah that’s true. I meant Apply modifiers even if they are not visible option. Sorry for the confusion.

Noted but Blender is used by a lot of ppl who might not have a super high end computer. There should be an option to do this for assets that have their modifiers viewport display turned off.

Not everyone has a high end computer to export a lot of meshes like 200 meshes with high subdivision modifiers applied to each and requiring them to be visible in the viewport, before exporting them can work is not a good, optimized or efficient way imho.

I am using a 64gb laptop with RTX 2080 and the viewport is crawling slower than a snail and getting crashes. Exporting 200 meshes one by one is going to be a lot of work.

This is one of the ways Blender can be optimized especially for very high end work.

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Is it possible to hide the object from the viewport, activate the modifier’s viewport visibility, and then export?

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Doesn’t work. Using the method you mentioned with Limit export to selected object in export settings and re-importing into another Blender file, the fbx is empty, no mesh is imported.

However, With active collection checked in the export settings, it works. If you put the meshes in a collection and hide the collection, select all objects in the collection and turn on viewport visibility while they are hidden and export. It works. So you need to use collections for the export to work.

Thanks a lot mate for the suggestion :+1:

You guys might want to check out this new auto-retopology add-on:


I get this when I click on the link:

Is this the same?


Yeah, sorry, I deleted my topic because it turned out the dev had already started his own thread. :slightly_smiling_face:

I’ve corrected the link in my post.

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Didn’t tried it yet, but I’ll do. Anyway is in python, so it’s expected to be slow. Let’s see.


Now that’s more like the real “Amplify” brush we were talking about… :sunglasses:


About this alpha quad

selected the center and applied.

Suzanne with 1lv subd, some noise. Applied quads to whole model.

Looks like “false barycentric subdivision”. Obtained quads are a result of connecting every triangle center to the others. It gives out quads, but not the kind we’re looking for, if you know what I mean. The global geometry stays the same.

But let’s see. More test on it. Being python, it’s helluva slow.

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Hmm, I was a bit afraid of this. It probably only works satisfyingly on hard-surface models with large planar sides.

Remarkable 3D-related news: Maxon acquires Pixologic. :open_mouth:

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