The big Blender Sculpt Mode thread (Part 1)

Yep. I remember when the 2.80 Alpha released and I had to change my keys on a daily basis because of all the changes. Do not want to go through that again. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m really looking forward to DynTopo as well. Also the UI changes to the R click menu where you can pick out your favourite settings for the brushes.

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Sorry, I’m a bit late to the Pivot discussion…, but:
In the keymap, you can move the cursor with “transform.translate” and the “transform cursor” option checked. If you enable vertex snapping, you can drag the cursor around and, in my case, click to confirm. This one does show you where the cursor is.
You can also use Kekit’s “Cursor Fit and Align” to align the pivot to a selected vertex/ edge/ face/ selection centre/ object centre (when hovering over the object) or origin (when hovering in a blank area).

But yes, this could use some work for sculpt mode.
Maybe something with highlights, like Max’ recent working pivot addition:


Ah yeah, that sounds very familiar. :sweat_smile: I’ll also stay with the Master builds. :blush:

I just checked, and there are macOS builds of the Sculpt Dev branch as well, nice.

The work on the sculpt dev branch continues (which also includes bugfixes). Be reminded though that it is a branch (which means stability is not something that needs to be a priority). If your workflow is broken at some point, it is not the fault of the developer.

Any news about this getting added by the devs. I think they are considering new brush features.


What I meant is that those builds are 3 months old.
Last windows build is from yesterday.

Last revision I succeeded to build is one month old.
Few days older than Joe’s new experimental pbvh cache.

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Yeah, but it’s better than nothing. :wink: But I’ll personally stick to the Master builds anyway, for the above-mentioned reasons.

No news on that… Also didn’t know they were considering new brush features… Hmm

If only someone showed up to do a sculpt GSoC 2022 to tackle the basic stuff… :frowning_with_open_mouth:

Alpha roll textures is among the most requested features, in the curve stroke I miss to have normal stroke option like the regular brushes, now you can only use the screen space, a option to fill the curve like you do in 2d would be fine too.


sculpt-dev builds are again available for all platforms:


Hopefully they add it :pray:

Yep agreed.

I have been thinking is there some sort of mandala brush or setting when sculpting or painting in Blender?

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You’ll find something similar with the radial settings on the symmetry dropdown options



Works really nice too. They should add those to texture painting as well.


Tried the sculpt dev build. The texture slot has been removed from the sculpt brushes?

Will they add the ability to sculpt in Solid-Textured view?

In sculpt-dev it is different from master, in the properties editor under the Active Tool tab you have the Brush Settings tab

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How can I make multires not decimate the object while I’m navigating the viewport?

When the Show Overlays button is disabled, the texture stencil should not be displayed.

I now realize why sculpting + coloring is very useful.

It should be possible to have 1 texture for the stencil and another texture for the alpha/brush tip.

I really wish the stencil was a real 3d object that I could position with precision. Yes I could use uv mapping and the displacement modifier for some precisions but it’s just so much nicer to work in sculpt mode directly like in zbrush (

I really wish the Mesh Filter had some kind of on screen readout of the value I was inputting. Make a big mouse movement and nothing happens. Move it a little more and too much happens, move it a little in the opposite direction and far too much happens in the opposite effect. It’s super unintuitive. Also, right clicking in the middle of the mouse move does not cancel the operation. Can’t reverse direction with the sharpen filter.

under “options” disable “fast navigate”…

no sh*t… :slightly_smiling_face:

the filters in blender need a button to apply stuff in one go… click and drag shouldn’t be the only way…

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This should probably be an option on the multires modifier itself.

I’m gonna go out on a limb and say 90% of people’s computers will run out of resources and crash before they actually need this feature so it should be off by default.

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This should probably be an option on the multires modifier itself.

would be more intuitive yeah…