The big Blender Sculpt Mode thread (Part 1)

Nomad is amazing, it runs like butter on my oldie android phone, I can’t imagine how good it must be on an Ipad :drooling_face:


My list of feature requests and ideas is endless… guess I’ll just stick with the bugs so I don’t scare the dev… :smile:


Yes, it works very well, if the brush doesn’t change surface forms is all good.
I suppose there are lots of configurations, we just need good defaults, I have never use zbrush, but I imagine it has a lot more configurations than blender, and I suppose it has good defaults, Or maybe the users just use brushes preconfigured and they can not change them?

Maybe post the ones that don’t need 6 months of developers time :slight_smile:

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I found a bug with the latest sculpt build
I’ve got a mesh with shape keys. I sculpt some shapes, jump to edit mode, then to sculpt mode, and all the shape deformations are gone


Can confirm, I’ll mention it on the chat.

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Yeah Zbrush brushes have LOTS of options for configuration, but the defaults are really good and well thought overall, the only setting I’ve had to change before is to activate/deactivate “Backface Mask”, which is the equivalent of “Front Face Only” in Blender


Thank you for sharing it in the chat.

And big thanks to Joseph Eagar.


Hi, I’ve been doing some test with the sculpt vertex colors on low poly objects and I was wondering, is face selection masking like the vertex paint possible? masking, face sets or to hide parts give blending colors on the edges, the only thing you can do now is to split the faces in edit mode and to hide them I think …


No, sculpt vertex colors only paints on verts, that’s why it’s so fast. It’s not meant to completely replace the vertex painting mode, but rather provide a way of “polypainting” high density models the way Zbrush can.

There was supposed to be a second “attribute edit” mode that would be based on the current vertex painting, and that would be more for technical stuff that requires precision.


I know he isn’t working for the blender fundation anymore but Dobarro said :
“All the remaining features that are in the current vertex paint mode are implemented in the sculpt branch and I will add them in future patches.”
I have no idea if that’s in the roadmap but I hope we can see that in the future …

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Wait, mobile apps with better performance and features than desktop apps? well, that’s embarrassing… :smile:


Not embarrasing. After all these sculpt apps are developed with just android and IOS in mind. Also, specific oriented apps always will be superior to general purpose apps. Focused developers with a clear idea of what is required/needed for users/artists will produce superior results. After all “Jack of all trades, master of none” is still a universal rule.


I agree about the streamlined approach - larger programs have so much code to get entangled with that it becomes a job just to make sure the new design fits the whole previous work.

Incomplete quotation, though.
“Jack of all trades, master of none - but still better than a master of one.”


There is, yes, automasking. It’s in the Options panel. I kind of need to improve the UI here a bit. Anyway:

Note that these are the global automasking settings. The per-brush settings are in the brush tab
in the advanced subpanel. I might add them back to the main workspace brush settings. I have face set and face set boundary masking mode enabled here, you may or may not want the face set boundary mode on.

Btw cavity automasking is for painting. It kind of works on sculpt brushes, but doesn’t do anything particularly useful (if you tweak it enough you end up with the Fill brush).


Would it be possible to have the cavity mask available as an regular mask operator too?


While you are working on fixing the UI there, I hope you will add these global settings to the upgraded R click menu for brushes so they can be added there instead of the brush versions of these settings. As someone who used to use ZBrush, I find it more convenient that these specific settings are global (i.e. Topology and Face Sets).

The new customizable menu is a great quality of life tool, so adding that customization option would be greatly appreciated. :partying_face:

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Nomad Sculpt is absurdly good, even on a budget tablet like a Tab S6 Lite. It’s from the same dev as SculptGL. People can try the browser version of Nomad here


if only he could donate his “multires” code to blender… hehehe…

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If I remember correctly this (or something similar) was Pablo’s plan, to take a look at the code of SculptGL and implement it in Blender’s sculpt module, but I think it was Brecht who said that wouldn’t be possible even if the code was available as open source to use.
I don’t really know the technical details but the conversation is somewhere in one of the many tasks created for the Multires improvement/redesign plan.

Edit: found it