The big SDF thread

If it could be implemented like the new SDF editor from the OP, then it would be a great modeling tool, offering the possibility to blend and cut 3D shapes in real-time, along with automatic material adoption. I can also imagine it could be very well-integrated into Geometry Nodes to generate deforming models for animation / motion graphics.

Right now you can already use the Remesh modifier in Voxel mode, combined with a Boolean modifier, to achieve similar dynamically updating results, but there’s no automatic material / vertex color adoption in that, and no fine control over the shape blending, to name a few things.

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Thanks for your answer! That sounds interesting!

I can totally see it being another modeling mode, besides edit and sculpt mode. Though, it would likely need to be destructive. Geometry Nodes intuitively seem a very good fit indeed!

When I watched the video, it somehow felt like precise Metaballs. It might offer another kind of flexibility that doesn’t exist in Blender yet.


Yes right, totally forgot about that, I never really used MS Paint 3D, disliked it far too much. But yeah, I see it as you, such a little roughout doodler like teddy could have been really nice in a more evolved state, so cool thats in zbrush now. :smiley:

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Just read a very interesting article from an Oculus Medium dev from 2017 and it turns out that SDFs have been an integral part of Medium since back then. :smiley: Medium uses a very clever ‘Transvoxel’ system that dynamically translates voxel mesh triangles back and forth through signed distance fields.

They first developed the technique working on the Kelvinlets-based Move tool(Elastic Deform tech in Blender) The move tool in Medium is amazing, because it’s completely unrestricted 6DOF movement in a true 3D space(VR) Being able to move behind/over/around/back/forth while using your wrist action to twist and bend in 3D space really has to be experienced to be believed.

SDF in action…


Added two new SDF Edit demos to the initial post. Exciting stuff!

This looks cool. Reminds me of Organica by impulse inc in the 90’s.


I do see that there are some testers of the app in the columns of Twitter… is it uploaded somewhere so that it may be downloaded and tested?

I believe the current alpha is closed. I guess the developer asked a selection of MagicaVoxel artists to try it.

I’d also love to have a go at it.


Added a fourth SDF Edit demo to the initial post.

As Twitter user Hispano 2K12 shows, SDF Edit is also very suitable for hard-surface modeling:


Nice software as Magica Voxels, with it’s own niche usage.

Other good voxels rendering but real time

Full Water flow and physics


The first version of SDF Edit had been released! It’s now called MagicaCSG.

I had just been offered the closed alpha version by the developer, but he decided to release it publicly today. :+1:

Search for the #sdf_edit and #magicacsg hashtags on Twitter for info and examples.


Great! this I need to test. Thanks for the heads up. :+1:

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Here’s my first little MagicaCSG experiment. :slightly_smiling_face:


Is there not any exporting way for the objects created insinde the app? I searched but I did not find any way to export them.

Btw, the app is highly promising. It seems very stable too. Offspring of a very dedicated work.

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There are no export options yet. It’s all very preliminary, but very promising.


I started a subreddit for MagicaCSG. Everyone’s welcome to share their art and discuss:


Nope, it doesn’t work. It starts but does nothing.
Task manager shows the app is running. Oh, well… :pig_nose:

That sucks. It might be blocked by your antivirus. I had to solve some issues with Windows Defender before I could start it.

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My second MagicaCSG exploration of today: a toy spacecraft concept. :slightly_smiling_face: