The big SDF thread

Smooth symmetry blending coming to MagicaCSG.


Got the flyguy textured.

I’m not sure on the colours yet. I’m leaning on the purple-y one?


Haha, very cool! Somewhere between cute and gross. :smiley:

I think the purple one is my favorite too, although the green one is more reminiscent of the Galaxians arcade cabinet artwork.


Coming up in MagicaCSG: Add/Remove Control Points in Polygons/Polylines…


The other little critter. :smiley:


More work on the 2D framework. LOTs of headscratching and ‘connect node…playtest…break…repeat’. My UE Blueprint skills are not the best. Still lots to polish :grin:

Still, it’s coming together. Now to move back to the much easier task of modeling the environment… :metal:


This looks so deliciously retro 16-bit platform game. I’m sure you’re having tons of nostalgic fun creating this, despite the required node spaghetti. :smiley:

Can’t wait until you turn those bars into grass-overgrown retro-platforms, and add some parallax layers in the background.

When it comes to retro platform game graphics, my all-time favorite game is Midnight Wanderers, from the Three Wonders arcade cabinet (1991):

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You know it? Lots of nostalgic fun…and quite a bit of debugging. :smile:

I’m going to make it 2D/3D hybrid so all the platforms and props will be 3D meshes, so parallax is free.

Oh yes, I rmember that. It was a rare machine though. I only ever found it in one arcade. Didn’t it make it to the Amiga?

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Looking forward to more updates.

Indeed, the cabinet was / is quite obscure, which makes it even more of a hidden gem.

Sadly, no. Although that might be a good thing, because the conversion would probably have been a crappy rush job anyway, as many arcade conversions were.

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Maybe a bit stupid question but can you use your own poly modelled geometry in conjunction with the primitives of MagicaCFG/ConjureSDF or do you have to rely on the primitives that come with the modellers only and build from scratch?

Speaking for MagicaCSG there is no way to import
your own poly geometry, obj per example.

Dont know the other ones, ConjureSDF works in Blender
so it may be possible, but i dont know it for sure


Not a stupid question at all.

MagicaCSG is SDF-only. The developer, Ephtracy, is working on importing and converting meshes, but that will probably take quite some time.

ConjureSDF does allow working with meshes and curves in the Blender viewport, although if you want to render the scene using Cycles or EEVEE, you’ll need to convert the SDF objects to meshes first, via the ConjureSDF settings.