Yeah he’s back again, afther NaN died, the Blender Alien went on holiday, afther that he asked me for some work. I give him some work, like staying on the contest website, and to work in a game.
Afther some work, he said to me, can I met some another blender users? Ofcourse, so I put him on my website, and now you can invite him for a look around on your pc.
I defenly made that character, but the orginal idea is from NaN, an I didn’t make the textures. I always wanted that character in a .blend, but I could find it, but I found the texture only. So I tried to model it from on old picture I had somewhere on my pc. And that’s the way I give the alien it’s life back, because I thing the orginal .bend is gone. I also have the high poly model, I found it somewhere on a website. ahh the memories found this not to long ago. the little blender alien is in here somewhere… Oh found him. he’s in or demo220.tzg . hehe nice job on your alien though :D. i was snooping around on google about nan and found this today