The Canadian airplane: Arrow

Have you guys heard of it?

It was made during the cold war by a canadian company called Avro.

This airplane, a bomber interceptor, was breaking every record. From speed to altitude, to fiability during some difficult manoever. It was the best plane ever. The only airplanes that go faster than it are the Sr-71 blackbird (at mach 3) and the f-22 that go a bit faster or abotu the same speed.

The Arrow was able to go at more than mach 2.5, unfortunatly they could never really test it to the max. It was able to go at about 100 000 feeth high.

Unfortunatly, the goverment “close” the Avro company du to major politic things. Example, the Us goverment were making pressure on canada so canada buy some missile to protect the north in case URSS attack with bomber from that way. The canada couldn’t afford those missile if they continu the research on the arrow. The arrow wasn’t finish…the missiles were. Also, a lot of person didn’t like Avro company and the leader of this company. The goverment even made some bad documentation about it sayign it wasn’t a great airplane and all. Also, even the boss of the company obligate the pilot to “reduce” the speed of the plane so when the new " Irokois" engine come out and break all the speed record they can sell it to other country more easely. Then one day, when the goverment bought some missile to the usa they cancelled the arrow project. When the other countries learned about that they immediatly wanted to buy the planes that were finish. The canada, seeing that other wanted their planes decided to destroy everything about those (they didn’t wanted to look stupid and return on their descision about stoping the project). So everything was lost, the plans, the planes, the miniature models…everything. The only thing that stay are a few photos, nothign more…

I think cancelling this project was one of the biggest mistake of canada’s goverment… :frowning:

for some photo of the plane:

Also, it was one of the first plane to have auto-pilot (you give coordonate to the plane and it move by itself there). You can read more about it on the site.

It’s sad that this project died :frowning:

hey x-w! I had never heard of the Arrow till now(and I know alot about planes! :wink: )! I just wanted to add that the second fastest plane(fastest fighter) was the Soviet “Foxbat”, don’t know its Russian name…the SR-71 was only used for surveillance. There was a vairiant that would have been the fastest fighter(FY-17, I think).

btw what’s your favorite plane?

hey x-w

suposedly the russians have clocked (what they belive to be US) planes going at mach 16 over russia.

could be radar glitchs, but it was tracked by multiple radars.

if it did exist i would assume it was a pilotless aircraft.

you know the stealh bombers fro america, well they wern’t even known of by the public untill like i don’t know i think it was about 20 years (i might be wrong maybe it was only 5 years ) after they had been in active service.

i honestly i do belive that the US has secret planes that we don’t even know about and i reckon that they are perhaps already going at mach 16.

i dunno, but i saw it on the discovery channel.


IIRC, the fastest vehicule (in athmosphere) was the Appolo 13 in reentry at near mach 26. At mach 16, a flying object would either need to be practicly wingless (not a problem) and tightly insulated against heat (not imposible either). Also, I don’t think going at Mach 16 for a reconaisance craft is so much of a good thing. For one thing, you’d get blurry photos, unless the shuttertime is really tight, but then you’d have to adjust the game (not really a problem either).

Anyway, back to the Arrow topic, it is indeed very sad that it died. X-Warrior: did you get to see the TV mini-series about it?


well there were concepts for a plane that had a small laser type device that was put on the front and emmited a charge ION stream out the front of the plane.

this effectivly creates the front of the plane a we way head of where it is, and the tip of the plane gets no drag and therefore never heats up (or not as much)

but i don’t know if they ever used that.


depending on how you define ‘plane’, the fastest plane is the x 15.

Mach 7

the x 15 was more a rocket with little wings, but it could count as a plane.

nevertheless the sr71 is one of my alltime favourites.

I think you might be referring to the plane known as “Aurora”.

I don’t really know what to make of this article. Theeth’s arguments about the engineering and aerodynamic difficulties associated with the construction and operation of such a craft are correct, but that doesn’t mean they haven’t been successfully resolved. It wouldn’t surprise me if it, or something similar to it, existed.

you know the stealh bombers fro america, well they wern’t even known of by the public untill like i don’t know i think it was about 20 years (i might be wrong maybe it was only 5 years ) after they had been in active service.

I don’t think they told us about the B-2 until 1988, and I’m not even sure they told the public about the 117 until after that — even though the Nighthawk had been operational for almost a decade.

what about ICBMs? they’re basically planes, they fly in the air. They go really really fast too, can’t give you an exact number though :smiley:

Yep, the AVRO Arrow was one of the greatest planes of all time. Damn Dieffenbaker killed it to go with missle defence supplied by the Americans.

There is a cockpit section located in the Aviation Museum in Ottawa, (I think it’s in Ottawa anyawy), and some other parts from some of the ones that got scrapped. And of course, there is still the belief out there that one got away.

I did. It was fantastic. For anyone out there that may want to see it, it is on sattelite TV from time to time, and I beleive you can order a DVD or VHS copy from site, somewhere.


I know toins aboiut the arrow, and love it.

Being canadian, and an aviation freak, its hard not to.

Anyhoo, yeah, i have models, and i donated money to a reconsturction prjecxt to rebuild tyhe arrow…

pretty cool

You have any info on this project? I would be interested, being a Canuck as well. :stuck_out_tongue:


sorry, but planes fly, because they use wings (sort of a ‘plane’) to keep them in the air, while rockets mainly use the angle of their thrust.

So ordinary rockets wouldn’t be considered planes. the x 15 had all plane features. wings and rudders

Theeth: Didn’t saw the mini serie…but yesterday there was a movie about it on the “historia” channel.

Bgdm: About the legend ("And of course, there is still the belief out there that one got away.) it was in the movie too. They said they didn’t know if it was true, but alot of enginers and the test pilots said one flew away in an unknow place. Hope someday they find it back :smiley:

hey, wanna hear some numbers?:slight_smile: =SR-71 max speed–3529.56 km/h(2193.167 mph), “Foxbat-B”–3395 km/h(2110 mph)

you know the stealh bombers fro america, well they wern’t even known of by the public untill like i don’t know i think it was about 20 years (i might be wrong maybe it was only 5 years ) after they had been in active service.

Btw, what I heard the gov said about the sr71 to keep it secret: those sonic booms are made by meteorites! :); plus, most of the missions performed are still secret!

I don’t think they told us about the B-2 until 1988, and I’m not even sure they told the public about the 117 until after that — even though the Nighthawk had been operational for almost a decade.
I think the F117 was ‘unveiled’ in '89 during the Panama, if I remember correctly.

PS: ONE of my fav plane–A10


the milllenium falcon goes plenty faster!!

but my super secret HFIGHTER (*ditto winks at X) goes even faster!!!

One of my fav too, but the A10 can hardly be called a fast plane IIRC.


If someone is to develop the infinite improbability drive, it’s the canadians

watch out

Yeah, the A10 Warthog has a top speed of something like 430 mph.

i think.

Anyhoo, Back tothe arrow. It is nice ot believe one got away, but the odds are against it. Ity would have been brought back by now, and besides, all arrows are accounted for. The closest yo uwil get is in ottawa (our nations capital) where tyhey have the front end of Arrow 206 and the main landing gear, and one engine. Totally worth seeing… it makes you realize how huge the plan was, almost 70 feet long. Bigger than B 17 flying fortress