The christmas biker (BG contest)

Hi everyone, on this project, I tried to use a cartoonish style to illustrate my concept. Hope you like it :wink:

The turntable video will come… Criticisms are welcome


I like it! It’s a charming biker-santa interpretation, I love the hair covering the eyes and the horns being used as handlebars, it’s brilliant!

Thanks, its motivating.

This made me laugh, nice work!

Thanks, its kind.

Awesome expressions, you really managed to capture the characters.

you really managed to capture the characters.

I agree. Santa’s face is the essence of “tough dude”.

Thanks guys, It’s the first time that I try the cartoonish style, so your comments are verry motivating.

That’s great. I like the idea and I like how you’ve put a motor bike seat on the reindeer (that just sort of jumped out at). I think that you got the cartoon style spot on & I hope to see more work like this.

I hope be able to do other works like this or maybe animate my santa. Thanks for your comment wich motivate me to work on.

And the wireframe: