The City at the End of Things (Scene) UPDATED!

The City at the End of Things

About a month ago, for a English class project we had to make a movie presentation about a poem of our choice. I picked the poem called, “The City at the End of Things” by Archibald Lampman, and decided to do a 3D Animated movie about his dark, death-like poem. I’m still in the process of getting the video uploaded to the internet, but here’s a few shots of the actual scenery.

Since we only had 3 weeks before the due date, a lot of the detail was cut, the scene is a low poly, (60,000 not including the tree’s, then its 330,000) Material dependent scene, and EVERYTHING is animated. The gates, houses, fire, rail tracks, ect.ect.

Also, the main character for this movie is a Regenerador. I’ll post a basic (non Pose) render of that as well.

Hope you like it. :smiley:

UPDATE: I made it easier to see by combining all shots on one big DeviantArt entry, you can see it here:

Or, look at them one by one:

First: Just a view of the front gate.

Second: A view of the city from the sky.

Third: A view from the graveyard looking at the other buildings.

Forth: Just a basic pose of the character of the video. A Regenerador from Resident Evil 4.

nice! reminds me of an angmar fortress from LOTR.

Thanks :smiley: Yeah, I played a lot of LOTR: Battle for middle earth to get design idea’s.

From above it looks kind of like an UT2004 Onlslaught core base sort of thing; I thought the farms were vehicle pads and there’s a windmill or something that sorta looks like a weapons locker.

Also, is the wall supposed to be built over the train tracks like that?

Thanks , . . I think :smiley:

As for the tracks, yeah, they go through the wall. Mainly since this is a unfinished project, and I only had 3 weeks, I had to cut a lot of “realistic” detail out of the project.

Pretty scary my friend.Great job!