The complete list of all useful free 3d / 2D programs.

I have started a huge work few days ago with googling around and trying to find all of useful free 3d/2d applications that I could find and that are not stopped in developement.

Of course the amount of the programs is at the time massive, but I know, that this is just a little graze to the mountain of all of the software.

So if you know any good software in 3d or 2d, or any good plugins for blender or photoshop (not any listed yet) can you give me a link to it, so i will put it to the list.

Here is the link to the list

I am going to update this list all the time when I find any good programs.

Thank you!

alchemy’s really fun.

Perhaps it’s not a program, but I frickin’ love Mr. Doob’s Harmony, an HTML5 drawing tool. I like its results so much, I set it as my homepage to just doodle on it once a day.

there was exceptionally good tree generation software Dryad now they removed it, but left contact.

see mention at blendernation

In case Blender community could negotiate and pick the package - that will be a wonderful step for entire graphics community

it looks like the maya PLE is only a 30 day trial tho… should it really be on your list?

Your blog also mentions Maya PLE. But last I checked on their website, Maya PLE is no longer supported. I don’t know if we can still use PLE or if it’ll even work.

Yeah, there is few mistakes, but i will edit this stuff trough the week, so it’ll be better all the time. Thanks for the links ogbog and skurdakov, i’ll add them. :slight_smile:

This is great man. Freaking awesome and addictive. It makes you feel like you are so good at drawing. This is great for brain storming, before creating a brand new 3D character.

This is a Test, it is worth millions, after I die, ha ha ha…Great Program, thanks for the tip.

Image TEST, click here

That harmony reminded to my mind another same kind of drawing tool:

It was a really big job for find it again, but now i can add also it to the link list.

A very different kind of drawing one part physics simulation one part illustration Flame is fun to use and you’d be hard pressed to create similar effects by hand.
Here’s a link to a striped-down web version so you can see what’s it’s all about:

You should check out some of Peter Blaskovic’s other works too, there are a few other drawing-like web aps.

I have been playing a bit more with this Harmony Web-Sketchy thing. I am thinking that this tool can be almost perfect to create textures and bump maps. Unless we have the same type of brush in photoshop or Gimp, this application seems to be unique around the web.

Not because it is web-based, I say this because it adds some sort of smart shadows between line’s proximity. Also the speed of the mouse is evaluated.

Importing any UV map, we could create outstanding textures in minutes. Specially Normal maps.:confused:

check out

audio, image, vector, music, etc.
pretty decent

BTW Moi is not free.

I looked over the list and many apps are out dated and not that great
maybe focus on some really good once only.

BTW you can also add houndini.

Haha, thanks man. I’m a big fan of it. I’m still on CS3, so maybe they have this by now, but I REALLY wish Photoshop could have Flow mapped on brushes like this, where the slower you move the MORE ink pours out.

My greatest praise for Harmony is that it’s the only drawing tool I’ve ever used that produces good results with a mouse (the horse I did with the mouse.) It’s crazy good!

Cool. There’s some cool stuff on that list. I hadn’t looked at Kurt-Fernhaut for awhile, it’s nice that it’s now free. Thanks for the list. I have nothing to add at this point, you seem to have covered it pretty much. I look into my links tho just to double-check.

OH WAIT!! No longer under development, but perhaps the most powerful fractal software available: Fractint. I’ve had no problems running it under XP. an oldie but a GREATY !!!

EDIT:: note also that Fractint can export many of it’s fractals in 3D format, tho i forget off the top of my which format … it may be .raw or .dxf …
EDIT EDIT :: Also, be aware that the DOS version is more powerful than the Win version. There is a *nix version as well, and the source is available.
EDIT EDIT EDIT :: sorry, I just discovered this. Apparently Fractint still is under sporadic development, and has a different site than the one I posted above. Here’s the newest site. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: (Oh boy!! They’re still working on it, I’m all excited now. Fractint was one of my earliest CG softwares. That and POV-Ray)

OK. Here’s 3 more I didn’t see mentioned on your list.

Apophysis: Fractal based image generation, using Flame fractals. Similar to Flame Painter mentioned above, but without the painting. Fun, impressive results. (Win only)

Chaoscope: Another fractal based image generator. From their site “Chaoscope is a 3D strange attractors rendering software.” Capable of some very beautiful and impressive renders, including fractals in 3D. (Win only)

Project Dogwaffle: A painting app with pretty unique features, such as particle painting. The full version costs money, but the free version is pretty capable and fun as well. (Win only, I believe; the site is a bit chaotic)

None are opensource, tho Chaoscope says they will be when they reach 1.0 version, and the Delphi source is available for Apophysis.

Thank you guys about the comments and links.

It would be cool if i can add some stars for the programs so you can see how great they are before you click the link. But i will not do that yet, because its another huge job and I have used hours for doing the list at the point where it is now.

houdini is really cool software, but I see that its not free:

I found really cool free 3d fractal program, mandelbulber

Also available on Video Copilot.

I looked at houdini a bit, thinking of trying it. According to their website there is a free apprentice version.


Okay, okay. I will add the houdini… :smiley:

If there is still anyone who is intrested about the programs, here is one really good tool for perspective drawing. It helps you to draw everything in one or two point perspective so you dont need to draw anymore added lines.

3D NURBS: Ayam

(Good effort, here, BTW. My links page has some other “free” commercial aps, mostly CAD-related, that may be useful.)