Here 'tis. Watch. Why? BECAUSE MENTOK WILLS IT SO!
(DivX 5.02 Required)
that’s great!
Nice sounds hehe
made in Blender Publisher, post processed a tiny bit (motion blur) in VirtualDub
wow, 30 views and one reply. I’d like some feedback please!Thanka.
I love that. Like how the buildings are done toon like.
I thought it would be cool if before cow started running, when your looking at it if it blinked slowly then started running. Just an Idea.
Overall nicely done.
Hehe! Well done!! Like it!!
P.S.: Perhaps you could add a little blink in the close-up of the cow. (Oh! Already said… )
nice movie for the beginning…
Where did you get the soundtrack?
welp, I just downloaded Vangelis- Chariots of Fire from WinMX I think, converted it to WAV, used N-Track 2.3 ( for sound editing, timed frames and such just so, found some Looney Tunes sound effects and found a cow mooing sound effect from
Just spliced a bunch of sound files together into one WAV file and inserted it into the video file with virtualdub.
Thanks I have WinMX too…
that was pretty cool. I liked the theme and the style of the scene was wonderful. A little timing issue with the sound effects(which can take awhile to get it just right). I will be looking forward to seeing your next one.
R-E-A-L-L-Y nice!!
As mentioned, now that mthoenes has gone to the trouble of completing his cartoon eyes tut at (under some duress, I might add…) some eye movement might take a bit of the 2D effect away from the cow.