The Crash

This scene is from a dream I had last night. The dream was such an awesome ride I felt the need to draw it :slight_smile:

This is a massive space station that crashed to the ground near where I was standing. I was expecting it to fall, it did.

Rendered with Blender Internal. Working on a high res version.


Looks more like a take-off than a crash! :slight_smile:

Being based upon a dream I suppose it’s open to interpretation. Far as the dream is concerned maybe it’s both a crash and take off, the end of one thing is the beginning of another.

As a side note I’m really sorry to hear that Blender Internal is going the way of the dodo, as much as I like Cycles I still really enjoy working with Internal. If it’s not being actively developed hopefully they’ll at least keep Internal as a usable option. My laptop likes internal more too :slight_smile:

Nice job on the image. It’s weird that you had a dream that like that, because I had a dream once that a F-16 crashed and split in two right in front of me on the road. Prophetic visions or just too much to eat before bed? :slight_smile:

Thanks Paint Guy. Actually most of the dream made a lot of sense, part of it equated to my past. It was a wild ride that’s for true, I really felt as though I was there when this thing came crashing down, an amazing experience.

In it’s entirety I was in a space ship where a robot was trying to kill me, I managed to avoid getting offed and instead was able to pull some type of information out of the robot. As this was happening my ship clipped a solar panel on this space station. I crash landed on the planet this station was orbiting. Sliding across the ground at break neck speeds and smashing straight through several walls along the way I finally slowed and was able to emerge from what was now more of a personal single seat space craft.

I looked up expecting the space station to fall from orbit, I saw a huge object fall from the sky and thought it was the space station. As it crashed into the ground I realized this was only a small piece of the station. I looked up again and awww yeah here it comes, it slammed to the ground raising a cloud of dust and shaking the world. Later I found myself in what I would describe as a futuristic shanty town speaking with people and working with them on something… Fin