The cube should not fall through the plane - Collision

Hi there ,
I can’t seem to get the cube in the physics simulation to NOT fall through the ground…
Factory settings, Blender 4.0.2
Add Plane, Size 10, Physic: Collision
Add Cube on Top, Physics: Rigid Body or Soft Body

If you want your rigid body cube to collide with your plane, set the plane to rigid body > passive

if you want your soft body cube to collide with your plane, you’ll need to enable the collision setting, move it to it’s own collection, and select that collection in the soft body settings of the cube.

I agree that things have gotten a bit more complicated over the years, but they’ve also gotten a lot more capable. It’s annoying needing to relearn things, but that’s the cost of getting older.

Getting old sucks, but it beats the alternative!

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Hi, thanky you for your resonse. Both are in the same collection and if I change to “Passiv” the Cube is no longer falling.
move it to it’s own collection - ok, this change nothing. I have Plane and Cube now on a new collection… I don’t see the logic in that, as both were already in the same collection before.

rigid b.blend (923.9 KB)

The plain passive the cube active max’ one minute setup time actually 10sec:


liqid.blend (929.8 KB)

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