The Cup - animation piece using Psl-Man MultiRig

I posted this in a worng section, so now here :slight_smile:

Hi there!

After the five month of the regular course some students work in this animation piece called
“The Cup”

All characters are based on psl-man rig ,Made in Blender 2.50 in three months.



great short :slight_smile:

Wow – hugely enjoyable and well animated. What render engine did you use?

It’s blender internal, there are three area lights, occlusion
and some pospro with blender nodes. I’ll post some captures and
blend files.


This is a great inspiration! Thanks a lot for sharing it with us!

Ohh… fantastic job, guys!
It’s super quality animation you’ve got here!! And renders are brilliants, do they make use of new indirect lighting from render25 branch too?

I’ve read it took 3 minutes to render… I’m a bit puzzled, I know i7 are great cpus but it seems too little time for entire animation and too much for a signle frame, can you clear this?

Again, amazing job, solid short story and fun characters :slight_smile:

This is amazing.
The animation was some of the best I’ve seen in a Blender short. Your characters had life to them and were actually enjoyable to watch! This in itself is tough feat I’m sure.

I liked how the whole story happens on the side of the court and yet the viewer still feels like they are at a basketball game just from the sound effects. Very clever! I’ll have to remember that technique for my next project.

Seriously well done to everyone involved!

PS. I’ve been spreading the word about this on facebook and twitter. Hopefully you get the recognition you deserve :slight_smile:

Really nice job!

Some of the character animation, I feel, could have been improved, but that is me being nit-picky. I think the only thing that really bugged me was the voice acting. That could have used some improvement.

Good job overall though!

It’s 3 minutes per frame (of course :slight_smile: in a i7 but in a old pentiun 3.4 GH it’s arround 30 mins :frowning:
Abount the lighting is only Ambient Occlusion and 3 area ligthts and some comp, I’ll post
a blend file soon.


Awesome work !

Just awesome. Reminds me of BBB movie but your is better :slight_smile:

This a great film. The animation is really good, and the design is fun and stylised !

Yeah, I love it!

I’ve just post a new version of Red-Nelb character rig with the same Psl-Man armature with the shape of Red-Nelb.


Haha, that’s great!

yeeeahh!!.. yeeeaaaahh!!..aaaarrrrrrr!!!

Are you still planning on posting .blend files? would love if you do, many thanks :slight_smile:

That was by far one of the most funniest clips from Blender I have ever seen to date! Especially what happened at the end of the clip.