The Dome of Cologne (problem with to many verteces)

Hello Sanctuary, thanks for your opinion. And a posting in the Finished project ? Why not. I think i will write somethin about my work this weekend. Thank you.

if you are using instancing it should work I think!
not certain what max is here !

may be ask the question in discuss forum to see what the verts max is with your machine!

also did you remove history recording may be it might help to use less memory

is there a link on blendswap ?
with so many verts not certain I can work with it on my machine!

happy cl

Yes, i have it uiploaded in Blendswap now. This is the link :

I have used instances, group instances and normal-maps for little details.

But one of the many problems for such a “great” project is the subsurface modifier. Blender needs my hole RAM. If i use the modifier in all objects, then blender grashes. For example the roofs of both towers are without subsurface modifier. If i get the modifier, then Blender crashes.

With best wishes,


be careful with subsurf level is like X 2 verts
and don’t use it at more then level 3!

file did not include the maps!
can you upload the roof map
will like to make a test
or is it only osl mat?

can you give a description of the OSL mat you use here
also I can see a lot of objects where you could have use instancing
but you did not !

found link for osl
but it did not work

is it the right one ?

i got another link but get an exe file for this ols
what is that thing ?
is there a direct link to forum osl for this script ?

also why did u use AO with dirt map on a mostly 3D mesh objects
I mean normaly you use this with normal / bump map to make them more realist !


happy bl

Hello, i uses only Subsurfaces with 2x subdivisions. There are no maps in the material of the roof. The script (that i was found here on blenderartists as an example for dirt) is definetly working. That was first only a test for me. But the result looks great so i dont delete it. And it don´t rase the render time and dont rise the filesize. Please, dont forget, im new in Blender and try everything what i can find. And this was a good example for a script node in the material. Now i am not at home, but tomorrow i can post the file here if you wish that.

With greetings, Mikel007

I would like to try to use mapping for the roof and see how it can reduce size
do you have any pic for roof material
also for some of the columns ect you did not use instancing
which might help reduce file size and increase speed!

can you give link to OSL script


I was looking at your model and found some basic mistakes

for the trefoil you have criss crossing faces which can cause problem for rendering
I’v redone another model with a better topology

tri1.blend (604 KB)

here is sample file for the trefoil
and I added a sort of limestone mat for cycles

2- tower
you use the spin tools on this !
but you forgot to remove doubles
so there is extra unneeded copy !

happy bl

Hello RickyBlender, thanks for your comments. I will think to that in my next projects. The textures are now downloadable. I have forgot it as i upload it to Blendswap. In the description of Blendswap are the links to download the textures. The link for the script GAO2.osl is I hope that can help you. Please switch on the “open shading language” - button in the Render settings. With Greetings, Mikel007