The Dunwich creature

I’m starting a new monster, sculpting it in sculptris. Then in Blender, i’ll do the retopology…

But before doing that, i thought i could post it here, and get some serious feedback. (no eyes, no teeth for now)

Thank you in advance, for any advise.

it is intensely ugly. good job! is it going to be a bust only?

Yes, it’s gonna be a bust. I plan to add eyes, teeth, spines in the back of the head, and textures in blender.

Update! Eyes and teeth added!

Update: retopology almost done!
I have made the main mesh without any triangle, just for practice.

Normal Map:

And First render with normal map & ambient occlusion map:

that is awesome. Intensely ugly and very scary. Looks like those fish that live at deep depths in the ocean.

Thank you Sam. I wanted this to be a fast sculpting sketch and a not-so-fast exercise in retopology, but i’m really liking the results so far, i think i’m gonna keep working on the textures.

Update! some quick SSS, eye textures and fins over the head…

Geezus that thing is scary! Good job :slight_smile:

hmmmm i soo want u to teach me o wise one :D.

i have acouple of things that i made is scupltris but my laptop sux and lags at arround 300k-400k faces :frowning:
what i dont get are two things…
the normal map thing.
and getting the triangles to go into squares.

very nice :slight_smile: i like the detail in the sculpting… for the glowing pink things i would change the colour… or take them away… they are distracting in my opinion.

The Dunwich Horror.
Pretty impressive. I used to have most of Lovecraft’s Books.
The 2 tentacles with lobes are interesting but I’m not sure what color they are. I can’t say if they are described in the book either. In my opinion they’d look better green and using Nodes in blender with this technique…

The irises broke it! It was really scary until you added those goofy eyes. You’ll do better with whites only, or (if you insist on irises) they need to be bigger and horizontally or vertically slit (so that he could see in the dark)

Yep, i am not sure about the eyes, i liked it better when it was just a white sphere… (gonna try the frog/cat eye type)

The name of the creature is just a loose homage to Lovecraft stories (i suppose “Innsmouth creature” would have been a better name)

Well if this is just a tribute then this thing is more like a Deep One from Innsmouth then anything else.
Anyways not that big of a deal.

A far more important matter is the Eyes and the Lobes.
I really like the eyes and if you changed the irises to be more like reptilian that would be awesome.
But even more important is that the eye Sockets are far too wide and need to be adjusted to fit around the Eye Balls themselves like human eyes.

So fix the eye sockets and make the irises like an alligator and keep them looking blood shot.

The Lobes are those pink colored things you have on the creature.
If you want it to look more creepy and scary then change them to green
and add a slight glow effect.

no iris and glare node:

Looking good. I disagree about the irises. With real looking eyes the creatures looks far more creepy
and grotesque then with out them. Eyes with out irises are usually associated with Undead, Blindness
or Demons and are either pure white or black.

Looking good indeed. The glowing green things are cool :smiley: I would also bring the irises back; they’d give him character. Reptilish irises would be good, I think.

I agree about bringing the irises back it looks better with them. looks Epic though.