The eggs

Nothing else to say than “great job man”
a very good study of the reality.
how long did it take you to render this picture ???


wow, that is impressive. Very nice.
The edges of the broken egg are somewhat unrealistic in my opinion.

this is awesome! never seen anything like it. I love the quality and detail! brilliant job from me!

How many chickens had to die for this render?

Another great work from you enricoceric
I do have a feeling of “deja-vu” when I look at your image. I have a vague memory of russian dolls and something along those lines.

Thanks to all,

I made some minor changes to fix some of the problems you mentioned, mainly the yolk color and the the edges of the lower shell. I will try to work on the container material and on a less bumbed shell version.

The rendering time was about 1h15 on a core 2 duo 6700 with one processor activated. Indeed strangely I couldn’t use the two processors, with this scene and only with this one, as soon as I select two processors in the yafray tab, the rendering enters in an infinite loop :confused:

@san_diego_james : Yours are great too, much more alive ! Year SSS whould be great …

@spacestrudel : At least one ! :wink:

@Edeehem : Yeah, as mentioned in my post, this is an old work I did first with the internal renderer, this Yafray version is improved compared to the previous one and you are right for the russian dolls, great memory guy :wink:

C&C still welcome

Moved to the gallery section. Well deserved.


Way better than I could ever do. Great work!

Some of my crit’s are the same as others

1: Bump on the egg surface… just a smidge too high.
2: Cracked egg shell edge just isn’t right… looks more liked ripped paper
3: The carton itself looks a little off the closer it is to the camera. Not sure what it is exactally though… specularity too high? not sure
4: Make the yolk more round.

Other than that I would say you have a winner!


I made the last changes :

. Less bump on the egg shells
. More bump and displacement on the container material
. Less regular edges for the broken shells

Thanks again to all

Damn, I thought only the cracked one was blender, in a photo! You’ve done it again, master of materials!

Terrific work. Keep it up!

Hi Enrico, very good work, you are really mastering yafray

The eggs look realistic,but the box look like CGI,but i´ts very cool

I can’t see it…

I don’t find the extremely narrow depth-of-field particularly convincing. It comes across as an intention to cover-up something (which it probably is).

When I look over this scene and compare it to my mind’s-eye view of “reality,” my general opinion comes down to too much detail. The small break in the eggshell behind, draws the eye and then draws attention to the fact that the edge of the crack “doesn’t look quite right,” which subsequently draws the eye to more-closely inspect the other edges, where it finds the same flaws. Had the original crack not been there in the first place, the other edges might have been overlooked.

But you know, edges are often where you notice “CG flaws” first. In a real photo, knife-edges are actually pretty hard to spot, because the light and shadow generally does not bring them out. The edge of a knife is really only defined by its specularity: you don’t see the edge itself.

The egg-carton surface is superb, and the eggshells are good although they have just a bit more sharpness than I would expect.

Another point: they probably have “more sharpness than I would expect” because, in a photographic studio, I would instinctively take steps to soften that surface, ideally to a not-explicitly-noticeable degree. A couple of softboxes, with slightly different colors on each, and a choice of redder vs. bluish tones. When you compare a CG picture to “something else,” you’re probably comparing it to a professional studio photograph, where this sort of subtle image-manipulation probably was done.

It would be perfectly fine, imho, to apply such manipulation to the raw render-output, e.g. with Photoshop or GIMP, as a way of getting the most-desirable effect.

I agree with the above poster on some aspects, but i love the texture of the eggs. When you get up close and personal with an egg, you can see the same tiny little bumps, and they match perfctly with your picture.
Same stuff about the edges though.


I think your img looks so great!!! it looks like a real photograph! congrats!

good looking


Wow! Virtually photorealistic! This renders* me speechless!

*intentional pun

I really love this, very very nice. The only thing that I would change, is the edges of the cracked
If you look at this photo
you see that the edge is very straight where yours is very … expressed, uneven, the cracks
are too fine, imo they should’ve been more straight.
Still a great image here :slight_smile: