I thought this might be a good addition to the ‘Merry Christmas’ image I did last night. Makes you wonder why that Christmas star keeps getting bigger, don’t it.
i think you got no replies because you ruined everyone’s christmas spirit with this one…lol, just kidding. Great work, I love the planet texture, but you forgot the stars or the moon! you can’t have earth inspace without stars!
Well…not exactly…I don’t want to make my little scientist but here it go:
Did you ever saw a record of a nasa mission in space? if yes, you surely saw that there were No start…cause they don’t emit enough light to show up on a camera lens. So maybe Acasto wanted to make his pic very realistic…hehe lol
Actually, that wouldn’t be realistic. There is already a mild atmosphere on it. And at the angle the sun is hitting it compared to the camera, there wouldn’t be much of a halo effect anyways. Depending on several criteria, such as sun ray to camera angle, and even what lies beanth the atmosphere (ocean? desert? etc…) determines the effect of the halo or the way the atmosphere fades or is even present in the horizon. I found it handy to make a transparent sphere atmosphere, and a halo atmosphere, that you can switch between and adjust dependant upon desired affect needed and camera angle. Also, halos if not done just perfectly, make it look to sci-fi final fantasy kind’ve.