The Entries are in and The votes are on! =GameBlender=

Welcome the the GameBledner logo design contest. Now that the Entries are closed i can began voting so take a vote at who is you most favorite. The winner will recieve a Blender Game Kit, or something else done with the logo… any suggestions? Anyways please vote you most favorite the voting is vaild till a week from now ^_^. And for all the participants thank you

Contest entries

I like both hanzo’s and sutabi’s entries.

heli’s and Frec_Pyro’s are the best there!!!

Wow. These are all good though!

Fred pyo entry 4 is really cool :smiley:

remind me of a game…can’t remember which? :wink: lol

First--------- Plus 77,
Second----- Heli.

Top work all round.


Fred_Pyo Entry #1 is great : still has the blender logo with the subtle g added to note the game engine. ill vote for that.

damn…i was the only one that voted for me, argh!!! :stuck_out_tongue: oh well, i just did it for fun, i knew i wasnt going to win, i wasnt trying to really…Ive been busy with my game project lately, so i really didnt have a chance to develope it…oh well, early congrats to whoever the winner is!

TUDBZD69 over and out! [>] [>] [>]

wow, i just checked out all of the entries…man, i should have voted for fred_pyo’s first design, it kicks ass…and hanzos…and plus77’s was cool too…

I don’t care what the poll may say, hands down, Plus77 is a sure winner

Also remeber please vote for those whom you like, please dont vote on the worst, also I voted hehe but not for mine :slight_smile:

Pyro did do a hell of a job i just hope he has the vector formats to back them up, cuase ill probably be using them :slight_smile:

My fav seems to be on the pole position at the moment. :smiley:

Nice. Tough all Pyos enteries are amazing.

Should I keep the voting going or just call a winner now?

It’s probably done. I would call it.

Congrats to all that entered BTW. Some great stuff in that post!!


hey you guys !!

you all need help,
a logo shall be as simple and easy to spot !!

Daftkid has started out well,
but it would even rock more if it was
a pixielized Blender logo !! :slight_smile:

well, good luck with your project game dudes !!

I voted, but I’m very tempted to move this topic to the contest forum where it rightfully belong… but I know noonw browse that forum so…


S68 hm… you should move it now, since the voting is over :slight_smile: andways the winner is:

Fred_Pyo Entry #1

Now time to get the address of the his current position and I’ll send him a nice package with the Blender GameKit in it woo! congratulations Fred_Pyo!